2018-09-20 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2018-09-20 Metadata Management Meeting Notes



  • please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Discussion items

Product Council UpdateFormer user (Deleted)
  • Full WOLFCON will probably be next year
  • Cate Boerema gave an update on the gap analysis. Check the Product Council notes to see which features are under consideration for prioritization.
  • Changes beginning in January in who in Index Data will be part of the development and how many will be part of the project.
  • Product Council is still thinking through the idea of a cross-module SIG with the intent of creating a conversation surrounding functionality across apps. An example of this need was surfaced when the topic of "Fast Adds" came.
Subgroup updates

 2018-09-20 MARCcat Subgroup Meeting Notes

MARCCat Subgroup had a meeting this morning in which Filip demonstrated work done by a him and with a smaller MARCCat working group showing the start of the way the app will look and function. The recording of this meeting will be available. (I will get the link and put it here). There was an overall positive response from the larger group to what was shown. Filip will go over the designs with @Cult and discuss the planning for development. Prioritization discussions will have to happen after the work is assessed.

Mapping resource types, format, nature of content with Codex terms – redux

New link to 'nature of content' documentation: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZeQJCyPM5P1oXacJaycYWOBM7bgorNPpOlztu5jEgu4/edit#gid=0

<This discussion was postponed until next week.>

Container record UX/UIChalmers has recommended that the Container Record be part of their "Go live" version of FOLIO. This will be discussed in next week's meeting.
Batch Loader updateAnn-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)

Ann-Marie presented some slides concerning work that has been done on the Data Import so far.

Link to the PPT: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iU9UKe73BaBUQ7h4jamy6A_HOJJbeYnT

  • The app has been named "Data Import". The decision was to keep the name as generic as possible at least for the time being. This app deals with Acquisitions, Cataloging, and Inventory data.
  • Data Import Process:
    1. Obtain File
    2. Apply a Job that contains match rules and actions rules. This job could be new or stored. The rules, both match and action, can be built with stored pieces.
    3. CRUD in Various FOLIO Modules will occur.
    4. Load Report (stats, errors, review log)
  • Scope of the first version
    • Retrieving files automatically - No
    • UI to manage the data import process - Yes
    • Matching & Action profiles - Yes
    • Gathering and sequencing - Yes
    • Parsing the files - Yes
    • Create, Overlay/Update/Merge, Delete in Acquisitions, Cataloging, and Inventory.
    • Preview feature - Yes
    • In-app import reports/logs: success & errors - Yes
    • Types of FOLIO Records Affected (from PowerPoint). Note: Storage is the "Source of Truth". A record stored here cannot be accessed directly. It will be accessible via MARCcat. If the bibliographic data is coming from MARC, then the inventory record can only be edited by MARCcat.

      Duke (via chat): "We imagine a clear/easy way to move from Inventory to MARCCat for those 'simple' edits. Permissions pending."

      Jacquie pointed out that the place for editing will be easily accessible, no matter which app is the starting point.

      Items: An incoming MARC bibliographic record may create and item. Editing an item record will have to happen in Inventory.

      Acquisitions - The order lines and invoice lines could be affected by the import

      Duke (via chat): "

      "For Discovery, all data is availalble for an API/app to harvest and then display. That is, any inventory, MARC, order, circ, etc., etc. We asked this question of a developer in the recent past. Wayne said that all data is harvest-able."

  • Types of Records
    • MARC
    • EDIFACT Invoice Files
    • MARC Holdings
    • MARC Authority
    • Delimited/flat files
    • Order API data - This will enable FOLIO to build an order from a connection to a vended system.

  • MARC Details
    • Binary, XML, JSON can all be loaded
    • UTF-8 or MARC-8 can be ingested. Everything will be stored as UTF-8 in FOLIO
    • Workflow slides:

    • Duke question: "Ann-Marie, does this process apply to MARC authorities, as well? Just different storage?" - Ann-Marie - "Yes"
    • Christie: Will the users be able to create match rules for the API? Ann-Marie - To start it will be a "fixed mapping". Ultimately it will be configurable at the institution level.
    • Duke (via chat):

      "Will we be able to batch load item data (that is, separately from the approval plan process you used as your example where you load your bib and then create instance/holding/item)." Ann-Marie - You should be able to load item data as part of the bib record import. The bib record may not need to be saved. Once the information is harvested, the rest of the incoming MARC can be deleted.

  • Authority records will only be in MARCcat to start. Future versions will allow the authority records to affect the Inventory app.

  • Lisa (TAMU) via chat: "

    "So what happens in the Inventory when/if we delete a record from the MARC Bib storage?"

  • This could be used for a single record import, but preferrably would be a more simple solution in MARCcat. The interim solution may be to use this Data Import
  • "Rollback the load" - Interim solution is to have a detailed preview
  • Scheduler, Queueing/Re-sequencing the loads - This will not be available at the start, but planned for later.
  • Export - This will start development after Data Import is closer to completion.
  • Large migration is not

In chat:

Charlotte: Hi Lisa, there will be no UI for the MARC Bib storage So deletion of a record will happen in e.g. MARCcat, or in Inventory if the record is not maintained in MARCcat

From Lisa TAMU to Everyone: 12:48 PM
"Note: Not being able to easily load single records into FOLIO (from OCLC) will be problematic for us. Our workflow is such that a cataloger creates an original record in OCLC, exports to local system, and then does local holdings, end processing, and sends the item to the stacks."



Jacquie said that the single record import is necessary for Duke, as well as Lisa from TAMU at the beginning.




      Alice Krim

Ann-Marie Breaux
xAnn KardosUMass Amherst
xCharlotte Whitt
xChristie Thomas

Damian Biagi
xDennis ChristmanDuke University
xDracine HodgesDuke University
regretsFelix Hemme

Filip Jakobsen
xJacquie SamplesDuke University

Jason Kovari
xJessica JaneckiDuke University

Kimie Ou Yang
xLaura Wright
xLisa FurubottenTexas A&M
xLisa McColl

Lisa Sjögren

Lynn Whittenberger
xMary AlexanderUniv. of Alabama

xNatascha Owens

Niels Erik Nielsen

Patty Wanninger
xSarah SchmidtDuke University

Tiziana Possemato

Jenn Colt

Sarah Ross
regretsMartina Schildt

xSara ColglazierMHC/5C

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