Scripts to populate marc_indexers version

Scripts to populate marc_indexers version

MODSOURCE-601 introduces changes to improve write operations into the "marc_records_lb" table. These changes require executing scripts to populate the newly introduced "marc_indexers"."version" column.

The scripts should be executed separately from each other and sequentially (each one in a separate transaction).

  1. Delete marc_indexers related to OLD records (no need to run if it was executed at least once)
Delete marc_indexers related to OLD records
DELETE FROM {tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers
WHERE exists(
  FROM {tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.records_lb
  WHERE records_lb.id = marc_indexers.marc_id
    AND records_lb.state = 'OLD'

2. Set marc_indexers version

No need to run when upgrading straight to mod-source-record-storage v5.6.11 or greater.

 Expand and run if not running mod-source-record-storage v5.6.11+
Set marc_indexers version
UPDATE {tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers
SET version = 0
WHERE version IS NULL;

3. Populate marc_records_tracking

Populate marc_records_tracking
INSERT INTO {tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.marc_records_tracking
SELECT id, 0, false
FROM {tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.marc_records_lb
LEFT JOIN {tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.marc_records_tracking ON marc_records_tracking.marc_id = marc_records_lb.id
WHERE marc_records_tracking.marc_id IS NULL;

4. Recreate marc_indexers indexes

Recreate marc_indexers indexes
do $$
    index integer;
    suffix text;
    for index in 0 .. 999 loop
      suffix = lpad(index::text, 3, '0');
      execute 'drop index if exists {tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.idx_marc_indexers_marc_id_' || suffix || ';';
      raise info 'Starting to create index "{tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.idx_marc_indexers_marc_id_version_%"', suffix; 
      execute 'create index if not exists idx_marc_indexers_marc_id_version_' || suffix || ' on {tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers_' || suffix || '(marc_id, version);';
      raise info 'Index "{tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.idx_marc_indexers_marc_id_version_%" has been created', suffix;     
    end loop;

5. Create constraint

Create constraint
do $$
    index integer;
    suffix text;
    for index in 0 .. 999 loop
      suffix = lpad(index::text, 3, '0');
      raise info 'Starting to create not-null constraint on "{tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.idx_marc_indexers_%.version" column', suffix;
      execute 'ALTER TABLE {tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.marc_indexers_' || suffix || ' ALTER COLUMN version SET NOT NULL;';
      raise info 'Constraint has been created on "{tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.idx_marc_indexers_%.version" column', suffix;
    end loop;

6. Create index marc_records_tracking table

Create index marc_records_tracking table
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_marc_records_tracking_dirty ON {tenantId}_mod_source_record_storage.marc_records_tracking USING btree (is_dirty);

Where {tenantId} - the owner (tenant) id for which the script should be run.

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