MODDATAIMP-588 Spike: Investigate possibility of removing Kafka cache

MODDATAIMP-588 Spike: Investigate possibility of removing Kafka cache

Stories to implement in mod-source-record-manager

Jira story for StoredRecordChunksKafkaHandler: MODSOURMAN-638 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Jira story for performance improvement: MODSOURMAN-639 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Jira story for DataImportJournalKafkaHandler: MODSOURMAN-640 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Jira story for DataImportKafkaHandler: MODSOURMAN-641 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Also new Jira story MODSOURMAN-642 - Getting issue details... STATUS has been created to analyze possibilities of combining job_execution with job_execution_progress tables, and job_execution with job_monitoring tables. This story should be assigned to DBA for analysis.

Stories to implement in mod-inventory:

Case 1: Records creation:

KafkaCache from DataImportKafkaHandler  MODINV-603 - Getting issue details... STATUS should be removed after implementing the following stories:

MODINV-588 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MODINV-589 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MODINV-590 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MODINV-591 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Case 2: Records update

Jira story for remove Kafka Cache from MarcBibInstanceHridSetKafkaHandler and MarcHoldingsRecordHridSetKafkaHandler: 

MODINV-598 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Case 3: QuickMarcConsumerVerticle → QuickMarcKafkaHandler (TBD)