Folijet - Writing Stories in Jira

This is a brief description of writing Jira stories for the Folijet development team. This assumes the Product Owner is writing UI stories, which may then be supplemented by, or changed into, backend (MOD) stories by the developers once they review and refine them. 

Top part of the Jira

  • In the Jira menu bar, to the left of the search box, click on "Create"
  • It will usually show a screen with the most recent project and issue type that you have been working on
  • Project: 
    • UIDATIMP for Data Import stories (usually used for the Data Import landing page, log page, and settings)
    • UIIN for Inventory stories (note that a number of stories related to Data Import features may actually be UIIN stories, if they affect screens in Inventory rather than Data Import)
  • Type: Story
  • Status
    • Open, if all the details are there
    • Draft, if you need to add more to it before it's ready for the developers
  • Priority
    • P3 for regular priority
    • P2 for higher priority
    • Rarely you will use P1 for highest priority or P4 for low priority
  • Resolution: Ignore
  • Affects versions: Ignore
  • Fix versions: Ignore - developer will add before release
  • Labels
    • epam-folijet: add to every Folijet Jira issue
    • inventory: add to any Jira issue dealing with the Inventory app, screens, or settings
    • data-import: add to any Jira issue dealing with the Data Import app, screens, or settings
      • Note that some issues may have both the inventory and data-import labels on them (e.g. find one)
    • ecs: add to any Jira issue related to enhanced consortial support
    • folijet-refinement: add to any Jira issue that does not have points. Remove once the issue has been pointed
    • needs-points: add to any Jira issue that does not have points. Remove once the issue has been pointed
    • next-refinement: add to any Jira issue that you want to review with the developers at the next refinement session. Some issues may have the label folijet-refinement, but they will not be reviewed until the additional label next-refinement is added. Remove once the issue has been pointed
    • needs-testrail: add to any Jira story covering new functionality. Once the manual QA has written the Jira, they will change it to has-testrail
  • Template: Ignore
  • Sprint: Ignore - scrum master will add
  • Story points: Ignore - developers will add
  • Development team: Folijet
  • Release: (Flower release that the story belongs to)
  • Epic link: (Epic that the story belongs to, usually...)
    • Batch Importer (UXPROD-47, for Data Import)
    • Inventory (UXPROD-785, for Inventory)
    • Enhanced consortia support (UXPROD-4049, for Consortia)
  • Assignee
    • Assign to yourself if you have not finished the story
    • Otherwise leave blank
  • Reporter: yourself
  • Votes: ignore
  • Watchers:
    • You'll automatically be set as a watcher on any Jira issue that you create
    • There's no need to add other watchers. If they comment, they will be added automatically, or they can assign themselves manually.
  • If you duplicate an existing story:
    • Sometimes it's easier to duplicate an existing Folijet story than to start from scratch. If you do that, be sure to check
    • Labels: 
    • Sprint: do not copy any sprint values
    • Reporter: if the first story was created by someone else, be sure to change the reporter on the new story to yourself
    • Watchers: you may want to remove watchers that came over from the copied story, and start fresh
    • Attachments: do not copy from the first story, or be sure to remove any irrelevant ones
    • Links:
      • Do no copy from the first story, or be sure to remove any irrelevant ones
      • Remove the "clones" link if there is no reason for the new story to be associated with the first one, or change to "Related to" link if they should be associated with each other


This is an outline of a story's details that you can copy and pasted into the Jira Description box.

*Purpose:* (what is this story supposed to do or result in?)

As a staff person

I want to ….

So that I can ….


# *Scenario 1*

#* Given ...

#* When ...

#* Then ...

#* Add other scenarios as needed

# *Scenario 2* (or whatever the last scenario number is)

#* Ensure automated testing coverage for this new code is 80% plus

See attached screenshot/mockup (if you have one)

*Testing notes*

# Add any details about scope of testing, separate tests that are needed, which type of tenant (non-consortial, central, member)

If the story represents a new screen or significant new functionality, create a separate story for Ensure this story passes Accessibility testing


  • Attach any mockups, screenshots, or charts that the developers will need to execute the story
  • If simple mockup based on an existing screen or functionality and you can create it or describe it clearly enough yourself, please do so
  • If new functionality, or a sequence of screens is needed, work with Kimie Kester to develop mockups
  • Defines (and add the particular flower feature that this story defines)
    • Every Folijet Jira issue should define 1 feature
    • No Folijet Jira issue should define more than 1 feature
    • The flower release for the feature that the story defines should match the flower release in the story's Release field. 
  • Related to
    • Another story or bug, or even a feature, that is useful to link to the story, for easy travel between them
  • Blocks/Is blocked by
    • If this story blocks work on another story, task, or bug, link that other issue (Blocks on this story, Is blocked by on the related one)
    • If this story cannot be worked on until another Jira issue is completed, link to that other issue (Is blocked by on this issue, Blocks on the related one)
  • If you find the need to add other links, just do it

Next steps

  • If the story is Draft (waiting on requirements, mockups, other details)
    • Leave it assigned to yourself
    • Review frequently, so that it can be finalized and moved ahead
    • Once all details are there
      • Remove yourself as Assignee
      • Add label next-refinement if ready to discuss with developers
  • If the story is Open
    • And is ready for discussion with developers, add label next-refinement
    • If the story is not urgent or is in a future flower release, do not set for refinement unless/until more urgent/current issues have been refined

Sample Stories