Folijet - Test Planning

Folijet - Test Planning

This page is for outlining the automated test work that Folijet is currently doing, plus planning for future releases.

Folijet staff involved in testing

Team Lead, Backend Dev Lead
UI Dev Lead
Yevheniia Panchenko QA Tester
Oleksandr Bashtynskyi Quality Engineer
Scrum Master
Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) Product Owner

New features:

Include issues for the following in the feature's scope and estimation. 

  • BE unit tests
  • Karate API integration tests
  • UI unit tests
  • UI E-to-E tests

Test summary (Technical Debt)

Test Plan

A MARC file example for  MARC file upload with the update of instance, holding, and items - TestRail

Add any decisions, summary or outline of the test plans

How often are automated tests run?

Against which environments?

What's the difference between Smoke, Critical path, and Extended in TestRail?

Will some of the TestRail cases be automated? If yes, can they be removed/retired as manual tests?

When an automated test fails, who gets notified? Is a bug created automatically?

Updating TestRail when manual tests are replaced by automated E-to-E tests

This documents current Folijet/Data Import practice, though it may become a more standardized practice across Teams/Apps in the future.

When automated UI End-to-End tests are implemented, related manual tests can be retired. There is not always a 1:1 relationship between the Manual and Automated tests in TestRail. For example, Test C343334 MARC file import with creating of new instance, holding and item can replace many manual tests (e.g. Creating a field mapping profile, Creating an action profile, Creating a job profile, Uploading a MARC file, Importing a

  • Timing: When an automated E-to-E test is written and is being run on a regular basis, and/or during Bugfest preparation
  • E-to-E Automated test
    • TestRail section: Data Import\End-to-End
    • Execution type: Manual until the FAT test is implemented, then change to Automated
    • Test Group: Smoke, Critical path, or Extended (assigned by PO)
    • References: should include a link to the Jira FAT issue
  • Manual test: do not make these changes until the FAT is closed
    • Test Group: Data Import\Obsolete DI
    • Preconditions: Add the following as the first line in the preconditions
      • Replaced by Automated test (TestRail number in brackets) (today's date)
    • TestRail section: Move to the Data Import\Obsolete folder

End-to-End Automated test

Obsolete Manual test

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