Folijet - Retrospective / Action plan

Folijet - Retrospective / Action plan

Action planNotes

  • KS: Discuss with Kitfox issues with Karate failing on envs

  • Lotus release retrospective:  focus on TC preparation before the bug-fest instead of during the bug-fest (as we are planning into the MG release)

  • Kiwi retro: Be given access (including cloud watch access for easily retrieving and filtering logs)  to AWS Bugfest evn for developers in read only

  • KS: create a ticket to address fixing problem with Karate test and plan it for the nearest sprint

  • Organize a call with BE team+SA+PTF on performance testing process

  • Make comment on the approach in the PR so that to make it easier for the reviewers; and sent a short message for urgent PRs either Slack or Skype

  • Every morning check for PRs to review

  • Make sure all backlog items are estimated; "won't" do items should have  0 estimate

  • Plan the sprints for 80% for development and 20% for unexpected work

  • Taisiya Trunova make a presentation of updates for the development process (new statuses, workflow changes)

  • Taisiya Trunova Have bug fix flow (statuses), hot fix flow, regular feature development flow in Wiki page

R2. Sprint 115. 

  • Folijet team: finish development on the second Wednesday evening and reserve Thursday and Friday for code reviews, stories reviews, last-minute fixing, etc
  • Taisiya Trunova work with the team to create feature readiness check list/DoR and user story DoR.
Need to review
  • Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) review and update the description of bugs in the backlog so that the team has the actual vision of the fixing request to be able to estimate accurately and plan the sprints

  • Taisiya Trunova Make the Sprint progress towards the Sprint goal and progress on features development visible to the PO and the team so that to be able to make appropriate decisions on improvement, plans adaptations, next releases forecasting

R1 release Retro
  • TL to check migrassion issues/schema changes needed before a release
  • Devs to create Jira tickets to account for the time spent on supporting other teams and troubleshooting Rancher issues
  • To review and update tickets for data-import documentation. Involve Vladimir to create/update the documentation. Plan for 116S
In progress
  • To follow boy/girl scout rule to cleaned up the code
In progress
In progress
In progress
  • To make sure the additional testing tasks are created for feature
Review with every feature
Q2 Release Retro
keep in mind OAI-PMH update and notify teams in case of breaking changes from our side
to keep testing performance
check the dependencies carefully before the release
Add integration tests (postman collection) for new functionality (from the previous retro)
Q1 Release Retro

Kateryna Senchenko to create a check list what should be done after schema update and add to git repository.
