Folijet - Jira Labels
Folijet - Jira Labels
Below is a table of labels that the Folijet team uses most often on Jira issues.
Guide to the Assigner codes:
- PO = Folijet Product Owner
- SM = Folijet Scrum Master
- TL = Folijet Team Lead
- Folijet = Any member of the Folijet team
- QA = Manual or Automated QA staff
- SUP = Support SIG
- PTF = Performance Task Force
- CPT = Capacity Planning Team
- TC = Tech Council
Label | When is it used? | Who assigns? | Can it be removed? | Notes |
accessibility | Issues related to accessibility | PO, SM, Accessibility PO | Only by the Accessibility PO | |
add-video | When a video for the SMEs would be helpful | PO | Only by the PO | |
back-end | Backend story | Folijet | Yes | |
cap-mvp | Issue is considered part of FOLIO MVP by the Capacity Planning Team | CPT | No | No longer really used |
category-functionality | Bug category | Folijet | No | Helps the team keep track of different types of bugs |
category-other | Bug category | Folijet | No | Helps the team keep track of different types of bugs |
category-performance | Bug category | Folijet | No | Helps the team keep track of different types of bugs |
category-stability | Bug category | Folijet | No | Helps the team keep track of different types of bugs |
data-import | Our epic | Folijet | No | All Data Import issues have this label |
di-architecture | Bug category | Folijet | No | Should the di and category labels be combined? |
di-change-request | Bug category | Folijet | No | Should the di and category labels be combined? |
di-configuration | Bug category | Folijet | No | Should the di and category labels be combined? |
di-data-integrity | Bug category | Folijet | No | Should the di and category labels be combined? |
di-functional-bug | Bug category | Folijet | No | Should the di and category labels be combined? |
di-other | Bug category | Folijet | No | Should the di and category labels be combined? |
di-performance | Bug category | Folijet | No | Should the di and category labels be combined? |
documentation | Any documentation for Data import | Folijet | No | |
epam-folijet | Assigned to all issues handled by Folijet | Folijet, other POs, SMEs, Support Team | No | Was very important in the past; not sure if it is still used by any filters or boards |
e-to-e-tests | Assigned to End to End tests | Folijet | No | Should we organize the testing labels better? |
folidemonnn-nnn | Possible issues for Folijet to demo at FOLIO Sprint demos (nnn-nnn = sprint #, e.g.107-108) | PO, SM | No | |
folijet-refinement | Assigned to issues that are ready for refinement | PO, SM, TL | Yes, once it has been refined | |
has-testrail | After the manual test(s) have been added to TestRail | Usually PO, QA | No. This label replaces need-testrail. Best to leave it on the Jira issue, so that we don't have to doublecheck TR | |
hotfix-approved | Obsolete; do not assign any more | n/a | n/a | |
inventory | Issue relates to the Inventory app | Usually PO | No | |
iris-intermittently-reproducible | Bug reproducible info | Usually PO | Usually no | |
iris-not-reproduceable | Bug reproducible info | Usually PO | Usually no | |
iris-reproducible | Bug reproducible info | Usually PO | Usually no | |
maintenance | Stories and tasks related to maintenance of Data import modules | PO, SM, TL | No | |
MARC_bib_change | Assigned to issues resulting from the MARC-to-MARC_Bib change | PO, Spitfire PO | No | Using this to keep track of all the work created by the MARC label change |
needed-for-authority | Assigned to a MARC Bib-related issue which is also needed for MARC authorities | PO, Spitfire PO | No | |
needed-for-holdings | Assigned to a MARC Bib-related issue which is also needed for MARC holdings | PO, Spitfire PO | No | |
needs-backend-story | Added to a UI issue. BE dev needs to evaluate and decide if UI issue should be changed to MOD, or a separate MOD story added | PO, SM, Folijet UI Devs | Yes, once UI is changed to MOD, or MOD story added and linked to UI | |
needs-points | Has been groomed, but does not yet have points assigned | Folijet | Yes, once points are assigned | |
needs-releasenote-[flower] | Add a note on the wiki flower release page | PO, TL, SM | Yes, once note is added. Add a comment about the note | |
needs-retest | Retest the issue | PO | Yes, once retest is done. Add a comment about the retest | |
needs-testrail | Added when an issue needs a manual test added to TestRail | PO, QA | Yes, but change to has-testrail, so that we don't have to doublecheck TestRail | |
needs-testrail-review | Added when an issue needs a manual test updated (based on a change triggered by the Jira story or bugfix) | PO, QA | Yes, but change to has-testrail, so that we don't have to doublecheck TestRail | |
needs-wireframe | An issue needs a wireframe from Designer | PO | Yes, once wireframe is finalized and attached | |
next-refinement | Discuss at next Folijet refinement meeting | PO, TL | Yes, once pointed, remove the labels folijet-refinement, needs-points, and next-refinement | |
no-epic-needed | Removes Folijet issues without epics from a cleanup filter used to identify Folijet issues the do need epics assigned | PO, SM | No | |
no-testrail-needed | Story or task that does not have a linked TestRail, so that we don't have to wonder if someone forgot to add a TestRail for it. Often paired with label non-testable | PO, SM, Folijet | No | |
non-testable | Cannot be tested manually or automated; use for spikes or other infrastructure Jiras; these are exempt from having to be merged by Tues in the shift-left sprint workflow | PO, SM, QA, TL, Folijet | No, better if it remains | |
performance | An issue related to performance | PO, SM, TL, Folijet, PTF | No | |
performance-testing | An issue that covers performance testing | PO, SM, TL, Folijet, PTF | No | |
permissions | An issue about permissions | PO, SM, TL, Folijet | No | |
possible-[flower] | Issue that may move to a different flower release | PO, SM, TL | Only by the PO | |
possible-spitfire | Issue that may be handled by Spitfire instead of Folijet | PO, SM, Spitfire PO | Only by one of the POs | |
regression | Bug is a regression | Folijet, Support Team | No | Combine with some of the other bug categories? |
regression-testing | Testing needed to confirm whether there is regression or not | Folijet, Support Team | No | Combine with some of the other bug categories? |
security | Issue is related to FOLIO security | Folijet, TC | No | |
security-reviewed | Security concerns about this issue have been reviewed by the TC | TC | No | |
support | Issue is being tracked by the FOLIO Support Team, and represents a problem for a live or nearly live FOLIO library | Support Team | No | Is used to control the Support Team Dashboard |
tech-debt | Issue represents tech debt | Folijet | Maybe | This was being used before we had a tech debt issue type; is it still needed? |
testing | Issue relates to testing | Folijet | Maybe | Should we organize the testing labels better? |
test-more-after-backend-dev | Issue relates to testing | Folijet | Maybe | Should we organize the testing labels better? |
ui-only | Assigned to issues that are only front end; no BE story needed | PO, SM, TL | No | |
validation | Issues related to validation | Folijet | No |