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Meet the teams:
aleph2folio team
Bienenvolk (former: ERM Team)
Citation Team
Core Platform team
Eureka Team
Firebird Team
Folijet Team
Bug Fix and Hot Fix release process
Folijet - Backlog Sequence
Folijet - Data Import and SRS Spikes / Investigations / Solutions
(DRAFT) MODDATAIMP-495 SPIKE: Analysis of the possibilities of implementing idempotence through monitoring processed records with the participation of the persistence level
A few approaches to automation performance testing of DI
Approach to update SRS MARC Records and corresponding inventory Instances
Approach to work with the developer's environment
ARCH-14: Investigate opportunity to not take extended time for OCLC single record import while large file is importing
Big import with Flow control enabled, Single record and Delete authority imports interaction
Classification and Call number handling in Data Import
Contributor Relator Terms and Codes: Orchid Refinement
Import of MARC Bibs to create/update multiple Holdings and Items
Data Import Issues and possible improvements (WIP)
Job Profile Import/Export
Kafka data exchange for data-import(DRAFT)
MARC field protections
MODDATAIMP-499 SPIKE: Use active Kafka producer from the pool for sending messages
MODDATAIMP-508: Updating Instances and Holdings for Films On Demand
MODDATAIMP-567: Script to refresh Instances against an updated MARC Bib-to-Inventory Instance map
MODDATAIMP-588 Spike: Investigate possibility of removing Kafka cache
MODDATAIMP-669: Script to refresh Authorities against an updated MARC-Authority map
MODDATAIMP-729: SPIKE: Create design for creating/updating multiple Holdings and Items from a single imported MARC Bib
MODDICORE-146 SPIKE: Instance & SRS record updates need to honor MARC field protections
MODOURMAN-788: Approach for deletion of JobExecutions.
MODSOURCE-300 - Scripts for identifying and fixing invalid instanceIDs in SRS
MODSOURMAN-627 - Script for retrieving holding by specific conditions.
MODSOURMAN-632 Create a script to delete duplicate mapping rules for each record type
Notes on scalability of mod-data-import
Prevent losing Kafka messages due to infrastructure failure
R3 2021 (Kiwi) Data Import improvements
Script to remove child and parent elements from data import profiles
Script to remove SRS MARC_BIB records with no links to Instance Id
SPIKE: Design approach for assigning UUIDs for entities created by DI
Update of Default MARC Bibliographic-to-Inventory Instance mapping rules
Data Import NFR
SPIKE: Define changes needed to allow R/W split of the DB for mod-source-record-manager
Solution to slice large data import files into chunks
SPIKE - Design approach for differentiating incoming MARC Bibs that should/shouldn't be saved in SRS
Scripts to populate marc_indexers version
Rollback scripts to revert DB schema changes prior to v5.5.3 (Nolana) and v5.6.6 (Orchid)
Scripts to permanently delete irrelevant Data Import profiles
Clean up records with inconsistent matched id values
Scripts for receiving id's and wrapper id's for selected jobProfile
Job Profile Wrangler
Script to prepare DB profiles schema for remigration
MODDATAIMP-1010: Quantity = 0 for electronic format orders
Script to identify invalid associations between Match profile linked to Modify Action profile
Approach for DI to take into account external identifiers
Scripts to populate fund code in imported order lines and invoice lines
Script to update records with invalid 005 field
Script to hard delete OLD records
Scripts to verify required indexes exist for mod-source-record-storage
Folijet. Defect Priority Definition for Functional Issues.
Folijet - Definition of Done
Folijet. Definition of Ready
Folijet. Feature Readiness Checklist
Folijet - Jira cleanup and tech debt filters
Folijet. Jira Flow
Folijet - Jira Labels
Folijet - Lotus Snapshot Performance testing
Folijet - Morning Glory Snapshot Performance testing
Folijet - Optimize Insert & Update of marc_records_lb (MODSOURCE-601)
Folijet - Performance of importing MARC BIB on Orchid Snapshot
Folijet - Performance of importing orders on Orchid Snapshot
Folijet - Release Status Report