Changes and required actions

Changes and required actions

Functional Area

Change or Additions


Action timing,
Action required


Contact person,
Related JIRAs

Functional Area

Change or Additions


Action timing,
Action required


Contact person,
Related JIRAs

Affected app or module

What has been changed or added that should be noted for this release

What challenges may arise related to this change or addition

When can the action be taken (before, during or after upgrade)?

If applicable, detail what action(s) must be taken here

Is this action required for the next release?

Name of user leaving comment: comment on what you encountered or ask a question @mention Contact person

User name of person that can provide additional detail.
Include issue link for bug fix, story or feature that applies


AWS S3 URL endpoint validation is more picky in Poppy

If using Amazon S3: Only an officially supported Amazon S3 endpoint URL is allowed in the S3 URL environment variables of modules. Example:

Wrong: AWS_URL=https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/

Correct: AWS_URL=https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com

Before upgrade change environment variables and secure store variables AWS_URLand S3_URL.


@Julian Ladisch