Changes and required actions
Functional Area | Change or Additions | Considerations | Action timing, | Comments | Contact person, |
Affected app or module | What has been changed or added that should be noted for this release | What challenges may arise related to this change or addition | When can the action be taken (before, during or after upgrade)? If applicable, detail what action(s) must be taken here Is this action required for the next release? | Name of user leaving comment: comment on what you encountered or ask a question @mention Contact person | User name of person that can provide additional detail. |
Deployment | AWS S3 URL endpoint validation is more picky in Poppy | If using Amazon S3: Only an officially supported Amazon S3 endpoint URL is allowed in the S3 URL environment variables of modules. Example: Wrong: AWS_URL= Correct: AWS_URL= | Before upgrade change environment variables and secure store variables |
| @Julian Ladisch |