Is this one-time money ($150k-$200k in FY24) or are we planning to have a certain amount to spend each year. If we imagine ongoing, how much should we plan on?
Funding: ongoing vs. one-time - "ongoing" is not necessarily "continuous"
There are 2 goals: where do new developers are pointed to to find their place to work? And then help with their practical onboarding?
Developers come to the project with different expectations and interests
Development efforts need to be coordinated and cultivated
Onboarding interview to find out what a developer wants to do and where to work and what kind of training is needed
Outcome: general agreement from CC about this approach. PC/TC to do some more refinement, how an engagement would look like concretely - which kind of authority such an advocate will have?
Refine the scope of work
How to find the first CDA? → Out of the existing pool of people as an rotating role → How?
OLF can only reimburse an institution for its engagement, not hire someone directly
How much will this engagement cost? Part-time job is feasible (20 to 50%)
Paula: I'll have firm $$ next meeting of how much we'll have from FY23 to spend.
On asking TC and PC to refine the proposal: Maccabee Levine commented TC and PC can/should do so re: the responsibilities, requirements, etc. sections now that CC has indicated support. The specific staffing options (Possible Scenarios section) are still probably for CC to decide, and possibly with input from whatever institutions / developers are interested.
New: Harrys proposal:
project needs an analyst to collect requirements
e.g. pick up work, that has not been worked on for some while but would be wanted from libraries to be done → do the pre-work to present a proposal
another need: testing
Toms proposal: “The List of Things that Could be Better about FOLIO” from October ’22 could be a useful artifact to mine for targets of incremental funding.