2023-06-12 Meeting notes

2023-06-12 Meeting notes



Paula Sullenger 

Simeon Warner 


Boaz Nadav Manes 

Marko Knepper 

Tom Cramer 


Kirstin Kemner-Heek 


Jesse Koennecke (PC rep); Kristin Martin (PC rep); Ian Walls (ByWater); Maccabee Levine (TC rep); Jenn Colt 

Discussion items

Treasurers ReportPaula Sullenger 

With three weeks left in the FY we have received all expected FY23 income except:

  • One membership payment
  • One extra support payment
  • Both entities say payment is on the way

Will have a full FY23 report in mid-July

Building FY24 budget based on FY23 contributions

  • Income projections will grow firmer as invoices are paid
  • Built in technical support funds based on last two years, but do not have confirmation

Will start sending out FY24 membership invoices tomorrow

SAMS (U.S. federal vendor system) registration still in process

Election Update

Elections results, was announced on Slack as:

The FOLIO Elections Committee is grateful to everyone who participated in 3rd FOLIO community-wide elections and to all who volunteered to serve on the FOLIO Councils. We sent the ballots to 3323 confirmed emails and had 530 complete votes.The people named below received the majority of the votes and will join the council on July 1, 2023. We congratulate the elected members and thank all the current members of the councils for their commitment. We also wish the best to those who cycle off their official term. As an open and inclusive community we like to suggest to keep on attending and participating in forums of interest to your organizations.

The Community Council seats were uncontested and the following people were elected to serve:

Kirstin Kemner-Heek (GBV)
Simeon Warner (Cornell University Library)
Mike Gorrell (Index Data)
Edwin Pretz (BVB)
Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh University Library)
Maike Osters (hbz, Cologne)
Christopher Spalding (EBSCO Information Services)

The following were elected to the Product Council:

Kristin E. Martin (University of Chicago)
Martina Schildt (GBV / VZG Göttingen)
Jesse Koennecke (Cornell University Library)
Brooks Travis (EBSCO Information Services)
Charlotte Whitt (Index Data)
Jennifer Eustis (Five Colleges)

The following were elected to the Technical Council:

Tod Olson (University of Chicago)
Craig McNally (EBSCO Information Services)
Marc Johnson (Knowledge Integration)
Jakub Skoczen (Index Data)
Taras Spashchenko (EPAM)

  • Marko suggests some mechanisms to generate our voting members group. Right now these are all members in Slack and Jira. We should ensure, that all member accounts are cleaned up regulary and all active members are correctly addressed. 
  • Duke rep on PC: Karen Newbery (Duke University Libraries) has term through June 2024 and would be thankful to circle out → proposal to offer her seat to the next person on the list (Owen Stephens) - CC agrees to that.
How to create and run the FOLIO Advisory Council

The MOU promises an advisory group with 1 seat for sustaining ($15k), 2 seats for empowering ($25k) and 3 seats for enabling ($50k) on the FOLIO Advisory Group, which is then described as:

The FOLIO Advisory Group represents a select group of individuals representing the most highly committed Member Organizations of FOLIO. This group will have bi-annual meetings with and receive updates from the elected FOLIO Leadership: Chairs of the Community Council, Product Council, and Technical Council, the FOLIO SMLLC Manager, Secretary and Treasurer. The group will provide feedback on the priorities and direction of the FOLIO project.

  • Connection and information body or a decision making entity? What do we envision this group shall represent?
  • Forum for management / leader level of all members to be informed, to express expectations andneeds, discuss topics and offer opportunity for ALL members to get in constant contact. 
  • It's the goal that every institution is sending a person (not necessarily the Dean / Director but a suitable substitute)
  • What would this group like to discuss? → We should ask the group
  • Update on roadmap, resourcing, release information for the "stakeholders"
  • A “State of the Union” with some focus grouping / time for discussion
  • Open opportunities for discussion, talk and get to know each other in a FOLIO context 
  • Tom: In Dracine’s version, I heard trying a one off meeting could be a good pilot case. We could try a bigger event and see what happens.
    Yes. +1 to trying it. Maybe then assess if it becomes recurring.
  • How do we schedule such a meeting? Would we record it?
  • Kickoff Meeting at WOLFCON: Boaz, Simeon, Mike, Kirstin for planning. Placeholder on the form: @Simeon to submit this
FY24 Budget Planning – TC and PC suggestions for spending

See 2023-05-22 Meeting notes where we decided to follow up with more discussion in Slack until the next meeting and provide more input before we point the work back to TC/PC.

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