2023-09-11 Meeting notes

2023-09-11 Meeting notes



Paula Sullenger 

Mike Gorrell 

Christopher Spalding 

Edwin Pretz

Boaz Nadav Manes 

Maike Osters 

Tom Cramer 


Maccabee Levine (TC)

Kristin Martin (PC)

Hkaplanian (EBSCO)

Ian Walls (ByWater)

Martina Schildt (GBV)

Discussion items

Review and follow up with discussion on CC strategic ageda discussion from 2023-08-25 Meeting notes
From 2023-08-25 Meeting notes discussion:
  • Give the council a strategic agenda for their election period and follow this up
    • We've had this calendar but haven't been sticking to it very well, a concern brought up at the Chicago WOLFCon
    • do a retrospective before starting freshly
    • check after 6 month
    • Have a backlog and maintain it
    • Asking people to report to CC where appropriate: like the future developer advocate
    • Have a "carry forward" area in the minutes
    • Add the CC calendar to the minutes
    • We need to decide how to spend our "extra" funds soon, 1st quarter of FY is almost over and no decision made yet
    • Boaz: hire a consultant to help the CC define its role and become more effective
      • Walls: perhaps the CC isn't as needed as envisioned
      • Boaz: thinks CC has a relevant and needed role in oversight and as final arbiter in certain situations
      • Christopher: CC also has an external role that we're not developing as well as it should
      • Edwin: we have feedback, use it to develop a 2-3 year strategic plan
      • Mike: think we have enough info to work on a strategic plan
  • How can we start to surface and manage the most important issues of the product and the community?
    • Goal for the next year
    • Define this nearer in the Tri-Council Meeting and take away action items
      • break it down in doable chunks
      • Architectural evolution: Define and realize a process to solve the defined issues as a CC task (together with others)

Have attempted to put some actions we are following up with below. Next steps?

Community survey

Repeat the survey from after Hamburg?

Last year all PC, TC, and CC members were asked to ask three community members for feedback

Results: Ex - Data import came up often, action items were developed

This year - repeat the exercise within 3 weeks and analyze the results, then lay out the results and recommendations

Boaz - thinks we'll hear the same things, need to actually implement some changes/decisions

Mike - would part of the results be to see how well we responded to last year's survey?

Tom - yes, and agrees with Boaz's comments

Other BusinessTom Cramer 

From Tri-Council meeting:

RFC (request for change) and architectural redo process

Oct 12 - use CC meeting to have Tri-Council meeting to have architecture discussion

Kristin - have a PC discussion planned on this

Maccabee: want to get decisions done before the 6-week deadline so PC and CC can start working on them. 

Mike: some have reservations about some of the authorization changes proposed, are these being discussed?

Maccabee: yes, issues can be brought up on the TC slack channel

Boaz: would like to help with app store ideas

Mike: how to get volunteers for this? He would like to volunteer

Tom: yes, do need a way to have a group that is accountable for results

Christopher: clarification on liaison role?

Tom: TC has the lead on this, could include groups outside the councils. This is not the RFC process, it's about implications of what RFCs could trigger

Mike: this group needs to have a way to bringing concerns to CC

Backlog of topics to discuss
FOLIO Applications CC to name liaisons

Architectural evolution will focus on Applications in FOLIO first. (Platform and authn/z will follow.)
TC launching RFC process for app changes described at WOLFcon.
TC subgroup to document non-technical requirements & implications for discussion in community. 
CC liaisons to effort to work with TC volunteers and PC liaisons on bringing this convo to fruition. 

Action items to follow up with
Developer advocate

See 2023-08-14 Meeting notes

  • work the next steps out (scenario A or B and find a person): Mike G., Boaz, Owen Stephens, Jeremy Huff
  • flesh out the job description and budget proposal
Write up and ratification of CC size changeSimeon Warner 

From 2023-08-25 Meeting notes:

  • Decision to change to 13 members and quorum of 7 - align with PC and TC: Action item for Simeon Warner : write up the change and let it discuss and ratify with other councils
  • Simeon absent today, but he is working on this
Community communication norms

From 2023-08-25 Meeting notes

  • idea about changing the ask on SIG's!  Information and discussion in the SIGs and a transport of summaries to upper levels
  • asking how communication flows across the project, new people don't know, need some guidance for the project
  • no update


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