2024-01-22 Community Council Meeting notes

2024-01-22 Community Council Meeting notes



Paula Sullenger 

Tom Cramer 

Mike Gorrell 

Christopher Spalding 

Edwin Pretz 

Marko Knepper 

Kathleen Berry 

Boaz Nadav Manes 


Kristin Martin (PC)

Jesse Koennecke )PC & FOLIO Manager)

Ian Walls (Bywater)

@Ludwig Liebl (BSZ)

Maccabee Levine (TC)


Discussion items

FOLIO Developer AdvocateBefore break we had 2 candidates (both from outside FOLIO). One candidate rejected - scheduling an interview with the other candidate.
FOLIO System Administration and DevOpsMike Gorrell  

Index Data needs to pull back from some System Administration tasks - we will end our support by March 1, 2024. Announced and first discussed 2023-11-27 Community Council Meeting notes, next step is a list of duties to transition, then develop a plan, aim to have candidate teams by February 1.

UPDATE: This document describes the responsibilities Index Data is looking to transition to the community..

Paula: what about some of the managing/coordinating duties that Peter Murray performs?

Mike: those fall under his OLF contributions, which aren't changing.

Christopher: how much time does this amount to?  Mike: About 12 hours/week

Kristin: need a list of things Index Data will keep doing so people don't worry about losing ID people in every area

Survey results

For 2024-01-22: Summary presentation from Tom Cramer , group discussion of top action items. Preparation required: read the grouped list and think about your top 3 CC action items

Ian W.: 

  1. get developers directly interacting with the SIGs
  2. work at the platform level to get the App approach finally fixed
  3. drop the 3 councils in favor of an open, monthly community meeting (rotating timezones)


Boaz: What about SIGs? This is an important feature of our community. 

Paula: We had a lot of contribution at the beginning when we had Deans directly involved. TAMU, Duke, etc. library directors told their staff to get involved. How can we recreate this connection? 

Ian W: I would argue that top-down is NOT the way to move forward; if we want to get more participation, we need it be bottom-up

Paula: Not arguing to assign the unwilling; rather than staff can get credit internally on performance appraisals, etc. 

Boaz: FOLIO Advisory committee was meant to help with this. Hasn’t been used much yet. 

Kristin: SIGs discussion at PC – how can this be refreshed? Lines of communication, conveners having a relationship to the project, etc. People want

FOLIO as an enabler → Yes, this is an institutional priority.
FOLIO as a priority in and of itself → This is less of an institutional priority for Dean and Provost. 

There is a chance to talk about FOLIO investment as a sustainability exercise. 

Boaz: From lehigh’s 2030 strategic plan: GOAL 11 With the goal of full and unimpeded public access to the outcomes of research, devise and implement, with the involvement of faculty, policies pertaining to public access to manuscripts, publications, etc. by 2030. Continue to develop infrastructure to support open access behaviors and facilitation of open processes for knowledge production.

The last statements are about infrastructure

That would be my emphasis as well

Mike: many comments seem to reflect lack of shared understanding, vision and story around FOLIO. Early on this was easy to convey and get people on board. 8 years later we don’t have a shared and consistent story. Makes it harder for people to be on the same page and work together. This is a strategic priority. 

Ian: Lots of comments on governance not working. Time to push the work down to the SIGs? Distribute the power and authority. We’d need massive infrastructure changes. Actually create the microservices environment. 

Kristin: should a small group go look at new governance models and approaches? 

Mike: how can we figure out how we work together? 

Tom: can we focus on concrete ways to advance the project – getting the work of the project done more, better, faster? Modules, JIRA, etc. 

Boaz, Mike, Edwin & Christopher will develop a plan for 'the FOLIO Story' that can help the community get on the same page

Jesse: sees areas we can make progress, such as SIGs and prioritization

Boaz: is it under the CC’s purview to evaluate the need for a particular SIG? Have some completed their purpose?

Mike: think that belongs to PC

Tom: don't think a ranking would serve any purpose at this point

Kristin: PC is already working on this

Other Business

Backlog of topics to discuss
FOLIO Developer AdvocateBefore break we had 2 candidates (both from outside FOLIO). One candidate rejected - scheduling an interview with the other candidate.
Action items to follow up with
FOLIO System Administration and DevOpsMike Gorrell  

Index Data needs to pull back from some System Administration tasks - we will end our support by March 1, 2024. Announced and first discussed 2023-11-27 Community Council Meeting notes, next step is a list of duties to transition, then develop a plan, aim to have candidate teams by February 1.

UPDATE: This document describes

 responsibilities Index Data is looking to transition to the community..

Community survey

Survey closed Friday Sep 29, 2023. Tom shared a first draft / summary of grouped items in 2023-11-27 Community Council Meeting notes .

Community communication norms

From 2023-08-25 Meeting notes

  • idea about changing the ask on SIG's!  Information and discussion in the SIGs and a transport of summaries to upper levels
  • asking how communication flows across the project, new people don't know, need some guidance for the project
  • no update
Application and Platform Formalization WG
Outreach and Marketing WG

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