2024-07-22 Community Council Meeting Notes


@Mike Gorrell

@Edwin Pretz


@Rachael Kotarski

@Christopher Spalding

@Joseph Grobelny

@Kirstin Kemner-Heek


Guests: @Jeremy Huff , @Maccabee Levine , @Ludwig Liebl , @Ian Walls , @Jesse Koennecke

Regrets: @Shawn Nicholson , @Simeon Warner , @Maike Osters


Discussion items







Introductions for new members

@Mike Gorrell

A brief welcome and introductions to the new members:

  • Stephen Pampell, Texas A+M

  • Johanna Radding - 5 Colleges (Amhurst)

  • Joseph Grobelny, Colorado

  • Rachel Kotarski, Chicago

  • (Shawn Nicholson was at the last meeting - not here today)

CC roles and onboarding

@Mike Gorrell @Simeon Warner

Second Meeting of the new CC:

  • Election of CC co-chairs

    • @Christopher Spalding volunteers

    • @Simeon Warner volunteers to continue as co-chair for another year but will happily step aside if there are new volunteers

    • We will elect co-chairs at the next CC meeting.

  • Selection of TC liaison: Stephen Pampell volunteered

  • Selection of AWS costs groups liaison:

    • @Shawn Nicholson volunteered (Slack, 2024-07-08) but can’t attend this call


Tri-council meeting at WOLFcon (Friday afternoon)

@Mike Gorrell

See draft list of topics from https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYASEw . Does CC have thoughts and/or additional topics?

Other Meetings at WOLFcon

@Mike Gorrell

We have a Members meeting happening Wednesday the 25th 10:30-11:50 as well as an informal dinner the free evening (not sure which night the group event is)?

  • Please indicate your institutions attendance (doesn’t need to be a council member).

  • Please reach out to member institutions not being on a council to participate

  • Please indicate interest yes/no for an informal dinner (asnd how many persons would like to attend)

Does the Community Council want to plan to have a CC meeting at WOLFcon?

  • Jesse: will ensure a meeting room

  • Action item: ideas for agenda items?


Developer advocate role

@Mike Gorrell @Jeremy Huff

  • How do we feel about the developer advocate role and current work? What are our criteria for success?

  • Current appointment of @Patrick Pace is through October 14, 2024

  • DA reports to the chairs of TC, PC, CC - meets once a week with Jeremy Huff

  • Funds to extend the contract? We need to pull in Kat (treasurer)

  • Would he be available?

  • Collect feedback from TC / PC

    • Rachel: if we can extend the contract, we shall work on some measureing points of the expected outcome

    • Edwin: supports the DA extension as being important and it needs some time to fulfil the goals

    • Maccabee: TC / PC need to be asked quite quickly before the contract ends


Backlog of topics to discuss

Action items to follow up with

Tri-council meeting followup

@Simeon Warner @Mike Gorrell

In https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/aAMrAw and the associated spreadsheet we discussed barriers to participation and ideas to increase participation in FOLIO. Discusses in and agreed to have a group to come up with some talking points?

  • @Mike Gorrell, @Ian Walls , @Simeon WarnerMike will reach out


Application and Platform Formalization WG

@Mike Gorrell (liaison to CC)

Notes folder: Application and Platform Formalization Proposals WG

Outreach and Marketing WG

Boaz Nadav Manes 

WG charge from 2023: WG charge from 2023: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZTOUOhwUtWaEjywKkS0cA41t1h0Wzhv_F9FR5Cyhqzk/edit

CC review as part of FOLIO Module Approval Process and possible MOU

@Mike Gorrell @Simeon Warner


  • AGREEMENT that CC chairs will coordinate with other co-chairs to ensure that we are informed and can bring items to the CC