This RFC requires mgr-applications in order to implement ‘applications’.
mgr-applications is part of 'Eureka' - so it seems that Eureka is inevitable for all FOLIO adopters at some to-be-determined point in the future.
Replacement of dependencies tree
Introduction of side cars
EBSCO initiative (LOC, …)
Eureka shall be backward compatible
FOLIO as a project will move to EUREKA
App formalization has technical and functional aspects of how to bundle apps in future
Providers can built their own definition of applications but the project appreciates the idea to have one default definition of application definition
Group will work on a recommendation for PC to slice up the apps
This group will be making the first recommendation to the Product Council how the Applications should be defined. This is both a technical and functional question. In other words, some modules have dependencies on other modules such that you cannot arbitrarily combine modules in to Applications - so these dependencies form the technical portion of how modules can/should be combined (modules with dependencies on each other would necessarily be in the same Application). However it may make functional sense for modules to be grouped into an Application regardless of technical dependencies (Check Out and Check In are both part of Circulation even if there aren’t technical dependencies).
Product Council will maintain the recommended Application definitions (in terms of which modules make Applications).
Timing of the recommendation and the project's migration to Eureka is to be determined.
Involvement of the community about the process, communication, support → where are we (the CC) here?
Topic for WolfCon?
Discuss role to CC here
Same with EUREKA: major platform change: both scary and exciting
Find the right timeslot for this change
Sustainable and comprehensive documentation is key!
Documentation of the process done by community members