2025-01-27 Community Council Meeting Minutes
@Simeon Warner @Kemner-Heek, Kirstin @Boaz Nadav Manes @Joseph Grobelny @Shawn Nicholson @Edwin Pretz @Maike Osters
Guests: @Kristin Martin @Maccabee Levine @Paul Kloppenborg @Jenn Colt (joined after 37 minutes)
Regret: @Mike Gorrell @Johanna Radding @Christopher Spalding @spampell
Note Taker: @Edwin Pretz
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Meeting schedule reminder | @Simeon Warner | Note taker for Feb 10 – will be @Mike Gorrell |
Technical University of Munich go-live and SuUB Bremen in GBV on Jan 2 | @Edwin Pretz | Very happy with go-live last Wednesday. TU Munich has 50k students and 1.6M print items. One of the larger libraries in BVB. Live on Quesnalia and Vufind v10. Hosting at Leibniz data center in Munich (LRZ, not using AWS, runs with kubernetes platform) |
Member Meeting Planning
| @Christopher Spalding ; @Kemner-Heek, Kirstin | From 2024-10-28 Community Council Meeting Minutes@Christopher Spalding@Kemner-Heek, Kirstin@Boaz Nadav Manes, @Paul Kloppenborg @Maike Osters volunteered to begin to scaffold a structure for regular members meeting in which a clearer definition of membership-added-value is expressed. Various CC members have expressed an interest in better defining the value proposition for administrators as well as focusing on more intentional marketing and fundraising (business case) for the project. |