2024-04-08 Community Council Meeting Notes

2024-04-08 Community Council Meeting Notes


@Paula Sullenger

@Mike Gorrell

@Edwin Pretz

@Marko Knepper

@Christopher Spalding

@Kirstin Kemner-Heek

@Boaz Nadav Manes

@Tom Cramer


@Ian Walls (ByWater)

@Hkaplanian (EBSCO)

@Ludwig Liebl (BSZ)

@Maccabee Levine (TC)

@Kristin Martin (PC)

Regrets: @Maike Osters

Discussion Items:







FOLIO Treasurer Election

@Mike Gorrell

Kat Berry has volunteered. She says:

“I actively manage the University of Massachusetts at Amherst Libraries’ annual collections investments of over $10 million dollars. I review the budget and set the allocations each fiscal year. I closely monitor our spending throughout the year and make adjustments as necessary. I advocate for additional funding to expand the collections as well as to offset the inflationary rise of subscription resources.As the head of the Five College Consortium Resource Management Committee, I coordinate the identification, selection, and negotiation of content purchases for the consortium. I track our expenditures in shared Demand Driven Acquisitions programs to ensure the deposit accounts never run dry.I believe this work experience has given me the skills necessary to take on the role of Treasurer for FOLIO. I've discussed the duties and time commitment with Paula. I believe that it is manageable with my current workload. Paula has assured me that she can help me transition over the next couple months during the busy membership drive.I can commit to 5 years in this position.”

  • Many thanks to Paula for her service!

  • Voting for Kat as new treasurer: passed!

  • Congratulations to @Kathleen Berry for her service

FOLIO Module Approval Process and possible MOU

@Simeon Warner from @Kristin Martin

Previously we discussed the potential MOU associated with adding modules/apps to FOLIO. -

Once the module(s) are approved by the Technical Council, the module contributors will need to reach out to the Community Council, who will, at their option, supply the MOU detailing their commitment. The FOLIO SMLLC will supply MOU and store the final results. The Community Council will manage the renewal of the MOUs as appropriate.

Actions for today’s meeting:

What FOLIO Needs

@Mike Gorrell

we discussed the value of creating a list of “What FOLIO Needs” as we plan to go out and solicit additional support from members. Mike, Simeon and Ian Walls volunteered to draft the initial list for the CC (and other councils in turn) to review.

This is the list they came up with.

  • Action item: all CC members shall read the document and comment on it - until next meeting! Will go to the other councils as well!


Council Updates


  • Developer Advocate: Patrick Pace

  • FOLIO Members meetings (virtual and then at WOLFcon)

  • Index Data DevOps contract

  • The FOLIO Story - During the 02-12 CC meeting while discussing the need for new membership drive we identified a need for a clear “FOLIO Story” that can help describe what FOLIO is, and how they can help. (this was previous to the FOLIO Needs discussion above. Here is the current working document.

Question: what to do with it? Come back next time? (Kirstin)

  • Elections: Christopher will help with the software.


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