2024-02-12 Community Council Meeting notes

2024-02-12 Community Council Meeting notes



Paula Sullenger

Simeon Warner

Mike Gorrell

Christopher Spalding

Edwin Pretz

Marko Knepper

Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Kathleen Berry

Guests: Ludwig Liebl (BSZ), Ian WallsKristin Martin, @Harry Kaplanian

Regrets: Maike Osters

Discussion items

FOLIO System Administration and DevOpsMike Gorrell  

Index Data will pull back from some System Administration tasks by March 1, 2024 (announced and first discussed 2023-11-27 Community Council Meeting notes).  This document describes the responsibilities Index Data is looking to transition to the community which amounts to 8-12 hours/week:

Currently four Index Data people contribute to this work (David Crossley, John Malconian, Peter Murray, Wayne Schneider). The community will need to identify a set of people to take these duties on. Index Data would like to transfer these to someone starting March 1, 2024.

Discussion / questions

  • Christopher: how are the 12 hrs structured? 
    • Mike: Just the named tasks, not the refererence environments (which Index Data will continue to handle), and not the CI/CD needs.
  • Christopher: EBSCO has considered this work as well as the CI/CD work, and doesn't have capacity to take this on. However, there is a proposal:
    • EBSCO can contract for another EPAM person that could take on all of the tasks above as well as handle the CI/CD work. Their cost is roughly $80-$90k, EBSCO would continue to donate the same amount it does today - $139,000, which today are used to cover the AWS costs. So the Community would need to fund the $80-$90k of the new EPAM person.
  • To clarify the CI/CD person would cover all tasks on the lists as DevOps people can do systems admin things as well

  • Ian Walls: so all in all, a net loss of resourcing into the project, but to AWS instead of these infrastructure admin areas. Seems like a hierarchy of needs thing to me... DevOps and systems administration would need to be handled in order for a Developer Advocate to be effective
  • Kat B: Could the funding be added to the membership costs to secure this tasks?
    • Could be a good idea → if we have the funding, who could do the job except EPAM? Would be good to have the knowledge shared in the broader community 
  • Simeon: If we pivot this discussion to paying for more effort for CI/CD (also including the listed tasks), should we write up the complete work?
  • Some raised the idea that Index Data be paid for these tasks so as not to continue to rely so much on EBSCO. Index Data indicated it would prefer to concentrate on their customers needs 
  • Ian Walls: so what can FOLIO, as a Project, stop doing?  What expenditures of resources can be dropped, and reallocated towards more critical parts?
  • Mike: proposal to write up the situation and option, and to vote on EBSCOs proposal next time. ID will provide more documentation around the CI/CD needs so we all understand what thie funding will cover.
  • Simeon: EPAM is the best option. 
  • Boaz: Are they any other needs, the community needs to step in for? Shouldn't that considered and written down as well? 
  • Christopher: to be clear - the CI/CD work is on top of the 12 hrs effort, and Index Data original mentioned a March 1 transition date  - time is runnimg short: a DevOps resource would need time for ramping up
  • Mike: Index Data is not going to drop things until there is someone to transition them to

All: please check, correct and add the notes - thanks!

Financial Overview of FOLIO for members: Link can't be added! 

New membership driveSimeon Warner


Paula Sullenger: I don't think we should change membership levels. Address Deans/Directors to help with certain tasks. We had membership levels, then changed them after one year.  We should keep the levels we have for at least 5 years, we can't bump them up every other year.

Ian Walls: It's going to be a hard sell to libraries to pay more, on top of what they're already paying for implementation/hosting/support, 
without a clear list of what that extra money is going to get them

Boaz: a small group is starting to work on the FOLIO story. Start at the membership drive. The community won't pay more money if there is not added value.

Marc Johnson: Sustainability is the key to this for me. Though, given the expectations already set, that could be a hard sell. 

Simeon: we need more members - Paula agrees

Boaz: In order to get more members it will be great to know what will FOLIO develop for new members and in what way

Paula Sullenger 16:47
We had membership levels, then changed them after one year.  We should keep the levels we have for at least 5 years, we can't bump them up every other year.

Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh)  an  Alle 16:48
In order to get more members it will be great to know what will FOLIO develop for new members and in what way

Simeon Warner (he/him)  an  Alle 16:48
Or how FOLIO will be easier to use because of fewer regressions…

Mike Gorrell  an  Alle 16:48
I agree Boaz - we need a clear “story” to set context and get alignment

Simeon Warner (he/him) 16:50
I think we can try to sell the benefit of joining and OSS to libraries that currently think of FOLIO as just a SaaS LMS

Marc Johnson 16:51
What are the benefits?

Simeon Warner (he/him) 16:53
Influence is one thing; extra info and shared problem solving is another; and then, more than solo influence, I think shared influence in actually working

out common ground (thanks to Edwin for just saying that) is a real community aspect

Edwin: how should the community look like in 5 years? We have different stakeholders and we need to clarify the common ground we are working on.

Kristin: What are the communities expectations of itself? What does joining mean? What is the story we need to tell.

Other Business

Financial overview

  • 1000 $ are already put in a reserved fund
  • Approval asked to move 9000 $ from the main account in a reserved fund: result - yes 
  • FOLIO needs a new treasurer  - Paula is circling out in June 2024  → We need a volunteer!
Backlog of topics to discuss
FOLIO Developer AdvocateFirst two candidates were rejected. Third candidate applied last week - will be scheduling an interview.
Action items to follow up with
FOLIO System Administration and DevOpsMike Gorrell  

Index Data will pull back from some System Administration tasks by March 1, 2024 (announced and first discussed 2023-11-27 Community Council Meeting notes).  This document describes the responsibilities Index Data is looking to transition to the community.

Community survey

Survey closed Friday Sep 29, 2023. Tom shared a first draft / summary of grouped items in 2023-11-27 Community Council Meeting notes .

Community communication norms

From 2023-08-25 Meeting notes

  • idea about changing the ask on SIG's!  Information and discussion in the SIGs and a transport of summaries to upper levels
  • asking how communication flows across the project, new people don't know, need some guidance for the project
  • no update
Application and Platform Formalization WG
Outreach and Marketing WG

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