2024-10-28 Community Council Meeting Minutes

2024-10-28 Community Council Meeting Minutes


@Christopher Spalding @Kemner-Heek, Kirstin @Boaz Nadav Manes @Shawn Nicholson @Mike Gorrell @Rachael Kotarski @spampell

Guests: @Maccabee Levine


@Simeon Warner (vacation)

@Johanna Radding

@Joseph Grobelny

Note Taker: @Boaz Nadav Manes

Discussion items







CC note taking

@Christopher Spalding

Kirstin has taken notes for a long time but would like to be able to participate more fully which is difficult while taking notes. We should have some way to distribute note taking – could be fixed rotation, volunteer for each meeting, something else?

We determined that we’d follow the TC’s lead and go alphabetical through those in attendance. Next meeting will be “C” - so Christopher will be the next note taker.

FOLIO DevOps Support - quarterly status report

@Mike Gorrell

Current FOLIO DevOps support contract with Index Data runs from April 2024 through June 2025. Index Data’s proposal ( ) was approved in the 11-Mar-2024 CC meeting.

  • Team spent 251 hours July-Sept

  • Maintaining CI/CD repositories

  • Upgraded docker image to support Java 21

  • Troubleshooting problems in Snapshot

  • Add Module(s) to reference environments

  • Upcoming - added staff member in October. Developing project plan to migrate to Github actions and retire Jenkins. Expect hours to increase over the next several months.

Mike indicated that ID will be updating CC again in January and another time in April. @Kemner-Heek, Kirstin suggested to plan ahead with enough time for CC to deliberate if we need to continue this arrangement the next year.

Better Sample Data Working Group request for community support

@Yogesh Kumar @Lee Braginsky

Yogesh Kumar and Lee Braginsky have worked on a proof-of-concept for dataset anonymization. PII data is replaced with randomly generated data, loan history is scrambled, and acquisitions data is scrambled or randomized. They are looking for 2 Java developers from the community, with SQL and folio schema knowledge to help develop the tool as something we can in Github to share, so interested institutions could scramble their data. We thought maybe we should bring this to the CC to demonstrate and request the ask? They can probably attend the next CC meeting (Oct. 14--I'll be out, or Oct. 29) as desired. See: 2024-10-08 Better Sample Data Meeting notes

@Christopher Spalding will be inviting them to join the next CC meeting.

AWS costs

@Simeon Warner (absent), @Shawn Nicholson

  • Affirmed the goal and expectation to cap AWS costs at <$30,000/month. Teams are implementing additional measures, including shutting down unused UAT environments and introducing automatic shutdowns for development environments.

  • Budgeting AWS costs for the next fiscal year is on the AWS cost group’s agenda. AWS Cost Group members are Yogesh Kumar, Shawn Nicholson (CC Rep), and Peter Murray.

  • Discssion with EBSCO around funding “truly shared infrastructure” started and additional meetings scheduled.

Updates will be coming as the discussion continues.

Member Meeting Planning

@Christopher Spalding

  • postponed from 2024-10-14

@Christopher Spalding @Kemner-Heek, Kirstin @Boaz Nadav Manes volunteered to begin to scaffold a structure for regular members meeting in which a clearer definition of membership-added-value is expressed. Various CC members have expressed an interest in better defining the value proposition for administrators as well as focusing on more intentional marketing and fundraising (business case) for the project.

Governance Model review


Simeon created a Google Docs copy per agreement at last CC meeting

Will be discussed at the next meeeting.

CC Google Drive folder permissions


We need to update this to reflect current CC+officer membership. Who has the permissions and is willing to add and remove people?

@Mike Gorrell will provide access to current CC co-chairs

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