2024-06-12 Formalization Working Group Meeting notes






  • Next steps

Discussion items

50minUpdates on RFCs, PoC, etcCraig, others
  • Folio Eureka Platform Overview
  • our wolfcon proposal was accepted, do we have initial thoughts about what to do in that session? (we may not yet)
  • some of the 'things that could be better in FOLIO' items relate to application formalization and we should take a look at them
  • are we ready to return from our detour into the Eureka technical details back to application formalization? can we keep moving forward while sysops and TC do their investigations/processes

Next steps based on TC and PC MeetingsAll


  • RFC and community endorsement
  • Is this group willing to give a Eureka endorsement?


  • What can we bring forward from what we've done?
    • Cleaned up questions answered
    • Rubric for organizing applications
    • Other recommendations from the draft document?
  • Continued communication
  • Recommendation to TC about RFCs
  • Recommendation about transition? (coordinator?)

Draft summary documentAll

Draft summary document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rc4xgJQsNFlXoHW6lAI7MbF8MzaWDb9QW2eryiiyNTo/edit

Draft of answered questions still to come


Action items

  • Type your task here. Use "@" to assign a user and "//" to select a due date.