2023-11-29 Meeting notes

2023-11-29 Meeting notes


Recording https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/councils-co-chairs/2023-11-29T13:00/



  • Finalize charter
  • Discuss December community update


Discussion items


Status check:

Proof of concept code should be in the FOLIO GitHub space by the end of the calendar year. In the next few weeks, backlog will move to Jira.

Tech Council last week got preliminary presentation on RFCs that cover some of the initial points. The plan to submit the full RFCs extends through late Jan/early Feb. So no specific action items for this group as of yet. There will be groups that form of experts in the different areas to review the RFCs. Still will need to figure out how this group will interface with the RFC process, but hoping this group can help field the non-technical questions that arise during the RFC process.

40minCharter, including new deliverables sectionAll

How can the group support the work that's occurring? Going through non-tech questions, facilitator, sharing. Non-tech wranglers.

What are the first questions for us to answer?

10minCommunity updatesAllMembers should update their respective councils briefly mid-December. Fuller update will happen in January.

Action items

  • Jen will create spreadsheet of questions to begin review next week.

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