2023-01-09 Meeting notes

2023-01-09 Meeting notes



Paula Sullenger 

Marko Knepper 

Simeon Warner 

keven lw 

Tom Cramer 


Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) 

Kathleen Berry 

Maike Osters 

Kirstin Kemner-Heek 

Guests: Kristin Martin (PC); Ian Walls ; Jesse Koennecke (PC) ; Owen Stephens; Marc Johnson (TC) ; Jag Goraya (K-Int);

Paul Kloppenborg (BSZ); Thomas Risse (HeBIS)

Discussion items

Welcome Hebis members (~5min)

Thomas Risse (UB Frankfurt) represented the 5 new hebis network libraries and introduced their project

40 libraries in the hebis network together with the central office. Want to implement FOLIO and the project is lead by the 6 university libraries of the network. 

Treasurer's update (10-15min)Paula Sullenger 

Have received ~$345,000 in membership fees, ~3,500 in documentation/editor support

~$166,000 in expenses so far

Finances on track so far

Technical editor support:

  • Extra track. Index Data commited an extra 500.- $ last week. Invoices are send out until today $ 3,500 came in the account.
  • 15.800 $ are commited so far. 
  • Who will be responsible for Marcia? Answer: Kristin Martin and Alexis Manheim


Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle 04:13 PM
FY 23 FOLIO Technical Editor Funding Request
Von Tom Cramer an alle 04:15 PM
We agreed that the PC Co-Chairs will manage the documentation effort.
Thank you Kristin & Alexis!

Tri-Council MeetingSimeon Warner 

The first Tri-Council meetings will be held Thursday January 12th at 9:30am EST.  The agenda is:

  • Topic:  "What is FOLIO?"
    • Try to reach agreement on terminology... Simeon and Kristin to provide strawman definitions
      • the FOLIO "platform" vs "product"
      • what is an "app"
      • etc.
      • DRAFT - please add comments, if you can't attend the meeting
    • Update on where various related efforts stand...
      • platform minimal
      • Julie Bickle's group/FOLIO builds
      • etc.
  • Question: is it realistic to have a "definition" meeting and reach a result? 
    • don't make it the focus of the discussion
  • Try to reserve a little time to discuss other actions from "what can we do to make FOLIO better?"

Zoom Meeting URL is at https://zoom.us/j/867230970 


Von Jag Goraya an alle 04:19 PM
Where can the agenda for the Tri-Council meeting be found pls?

Von Kat Berry | UMA/5C an alle 04:20 PM
its included as a line within today's agenda, 
Von Tom Cramer an alle 04:21 PM

FOLIO Resourcing Working Group
  • Presentation of work to date and discussion (draft slide deck | working doc}
  • group: Tom, Paula, Marko, Ian, Ian, Marc, Harry, Kirstin
  • Tom: presentation of slide deck
  • Harry: initiative matches other initiatives of the community - is describing the issues the projects faces today
  • ACTION - ALL - Add comments to the presentation deck before next CC meeting on 23 January

Kristin M.: Lightly centralized model describes in a good way the recent situation and helps with a better picture

Ian: brings in a philosphical approach → please add summary

Jag: there is a transition and not just a single model - how can movement be structured? Reach sustainability and attraction.

Marc: context of 3 models → moved from alternative models to a combination options

Von Kristin Martin an alle 04:40 PM
That is good feedback for the Roadmap work. Maybe that's where we start.

  • Kirstin: agreed, see some points in sheet comment
  • Marc: what are we aiming for?
  • Simeon: we need a period of comments and then decide, how to continue
  • Tom: is 2 weeks time ok - until next meeting. 2 action items (beisdes) 
    • better characterize what specific steps are needed and do it 
    • draft charter in a month?  Yes.


Von Jag Goraya an alle 04:33 PM
Good overview - thanks Tom. If Lightly Centralized is the natural next step for FOLIO, what comes after? Would that be a bridging step to a Developer-driven Marketplace? Is DDM the aspirational model?

Harry: can be an option "Lightly Centralized" can be done in parallel to DDM

Von Jag Goraya an alle 04:44 PM
@Tom 100% … the model should evolve as scale and adoption changes.

Von Jag Goraya an alle 04:45 PM
As part of that I'd like to understand what the exit or maturity criteria for that model would be … how do we know that it has served its purpose and FOLIO is ready to transition to the next model.

Email list proposalTom Cramer 
  • Proposal to embrace email lists as a complementary communication channel for FOLIO. Also sunset Trello and assess Discuss. 
    • Presentation by Tom
    • FOLIO-announce email list
      • Ian: will there be an archive? 
        • list tool "simplelist" has an archive
        • other option: publish to Slack channel
      • How does that fit with the FOLIO newsletter marketing list?
        • Is done by OLF newsletter list, because FOLIO has no own approach
      • Marc: what email list is at the botton on the FOLIO webside? How does that fit in?
      • ACTION - Tom/Kat/Simeon will move forward with FOLIO-announce
      • Folio members list is maintained by FOLIO secretary together with MOU's
    • Trello
      • AGREEMENT - can be deprecated
      • ACTION - Tom will work with Peter to shut down Trello
    • Discuss: not very much used
      • Ian: What could be used as some kind of FAQ for libraries?
      • Simeon:  if Discuss shall fulfill this need, we might want to deprecate the recent one and make a fresh approach
      • Result: no voices from CC to keep Discuss
      • Action item: Simeon will take to chairs meeting Jan 10 to discuss how to move ahead with deprecation of Discuss

Zoom Meeting stopped here!  TBC
Proposed change to FOLIO Governance Model to specify how to handle ties in electionsSimeon Warner 


Issue raised in 2022-06-27 Meeting notes.

I propose adding to the FOLIO Governance Model#Electionprocess section:

In the event of a tie in any community council election, the current chairs of the council, excluding any involved in the tie, shall break the tie. If all current chairs are involved in the tie then it will be broken by random selection. 

Proposed changes to FOLIO Governance Model document to separate out membership levels and benefitsSimeon Warner 

Issue raised in 2022-06-27 Meeting notes.

1) Change FOLIO Governance Model#Needs to replace the following text:

Member organizations will be relied upon to provide the resources that make FOLIO viable and sustainable. Resources can be in the form of cash or human resources. The hard costs are (FY21) estimated to be roughly $135,000 per year. The project has a core team of 10-20 contributed individuals, that are creating and maintaining the FOLIO platform, independent from teams building new features. These are the resources that the membership program is intended to provide.


Member organizations will be relied upon to provide the resources that make FOLIO viable and sustainable. The Community Council shall be responsible for determining and updating the FOLIO Membership Levels, including contribution amounts and any associated benefits.

2) Extract/remove section FOLIO Governance Model#MembershipLevels to a separate document "FOLIO Membership Levels" created parallel to the governance model document but expected to be updated each year. Link this document from the text "FOLIO Membership Levels" above.

AGREED via Slack vote 2023-01-12 with 2/3 majority and no objections

ACTION - Simeon to make the changes - DONE, see FOLIO Membership Levels and FOLIO Governance Model