2022-06-27 Meeting notes

2022-06-27 Meeting notes


Discussion items

Treasurer's update
  • First financial report for FOLIO by accountants has arrived (in CC Google Folder under Treasurer)
  • Contains a few inaccuracies that I would like to have fixed before making public
  • Major issue: uses accrual method of accounting which affects us by -
    • Many of our FY22 invoices were issued in FY21
    • Income received from those invoices not counted as FY22 income even if they arrived in FY22 - as most did
    • Understates our FY22 by about $260,000, which causes the report to show a loss
    • We actually had $95,000 in the bank they day I received the report
    • I've talked with the accountants about this and they will date our new invoices July 1 so shouldn't have this problem in FY23
  • Some members have asked for this report before committing for FY23
    • I propose contacting those directly with the report and an explanation
    • Prefer to wait until full FY22 report has been prepared before posting publicly
  • First set of FY23 invoices should go out today
  • Will send "need invoice" notice to them in weekly batches

ACTION - Paula to check with accountants about members paying fees ahead/multi-year

Membership Drive

Have 17 responses from 44 members ( can be found in CC Google folder under MOUs 22/23)

Will send reminders to the others soon

Harry reports he's received his budget; will begin working on EBSCO's MOU

Elections Completed

Thank you Simeon Warner and Hkaplanian 

  • done!
  • would have been nice to have a few more candidates; CC unattested
  • need to amend governance document to address ties; Simeon to review, propose "bylaw"
  • Harry notes a number of emails bounced; wonders about pay structure for Slack use
  • what do we do with inactive, bounced addresses
  • ACTION - Harry to check with Peter Murray about cleaning up the list?
 New Council!All 

This means we need to elect a Chair, FOLIO Manager, and Secretary. Paula has graciously agreed to continue on as FOLIO Treasurer.

Any volunteers?

As current Chair, Mike Gorrell feels like he's not able to give as much as the role demands... Anyone else interested/in a better position?

Perhaps a dual-chair model where these responsibilities are shared equally... Anyone interested?

  • what is the process for internal elections?
  • ACTION will put out a call for volunteers to express interest to Mike?
  • ACTION suggestion to have incumbents check to make sure descriptions match what they are actually doing.
Encouraging non-offensive terminology throughout the FOLIO communityAll

Marc Johnson posted this on the CC channel earlier this week:

A while ago, FOLIO discussed changing some of the language used by the project to have less prejudiced undertones e.g. master / slave, white list / black list.Can anyone help me understand where we are with that initiative?

This was discussed in 2020 at the Tech Council. Nothing has been done to date. Should the Community Council take this on as an action/initiative?

  • Not only technical language; it exists in product discussions as well
  • Has GitHub moved from "master" to "main"?
  • This sounds like an issue for the CC to take on
  • Two categories of pursuit - framework for decolonizing terms/language; TC following broader technical communities move from "master" to "main": what is involved? timeline?
  • ACTION will let Mike know CC needs to take this on
  1. Resource Model Group: not recalling who is in this group - Tom, Mike, others?
  2. Website: New launch date for new site: July 11th
  3. Other? WOLFcon agenda - feedback that it is less of a working meeting; hard to plan that far out and for what would be timely discussions; folks should be sure to suggest topics/ agenda in SIG meetings so that interest in captured.