2022-11-28 Meeting notes

2022-11-28 Meeting notes



Mike Gorrell 

Simeon Warner 


Kathleen Berry 

Maike Osters 

Tom Cramer 

keven lw 

Marko Knepper 

Boaz Nadav Manes 

Rachel Besara 

Guests: Kristin Martin (PC rep), Paul Kloppenborg, Ian Walls , julie.bickle , Marc Johnson 

Discussion items

Fundraising for technical editor (update)

Two requests have gone out to FOLIO Members. As of 2022-11-14 we had commitments from 3 organizations (Five Colleges, University and State Library Darmstadt, Germany, and GBV) totaling $4,000. Others are considering. 

  • Paul Kloppenborg, BSZ Konstanz volunteered to step into the Tech Ed. position with his team → any support from Marcia is very welcomed
  • New effort from CC to extend Marcias contract for a bit longer
  • Mike Gorrell  - Action item: post another call to the community for the necessary funding
Filling Anton's Q/A roleMike Gorrell 
  • no job description available → request to Hkaplanian  → Action item: Mike Gorrell will reach out to EBSCO
  • Is there information about his work and how it shall be continued in the future available?
  • Kristin Martin : we need a general understanding how the community is supposed to fill positions. We can't ask every week ad hoc to step in a more or less 1,0 FTE job and commit a trained person or fund one. 
    • other example: missing maintenance of the reference environment → needed by support SIG
  • Cross Council Chairs Meeting tomorrow (Nov. 29, 2022) → will address this topics 
    • list of roles, longer term commitments and neccessities
  • Chat: 
  • Ian Walls : recommendation: pause feature development, and have the existing teams focus on making FOLIO easier to deploy. This debt needs to be paid, because the interest is becoming unaffordable as we continue to spend 
    Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:19 PM 
    Ian, what was the context for that recommendation?  Was it about the plan for community funding?
    Von Ian Walls an alle 04:20 PM
    it's an alternative to continuing to ask the community to provide more and more money, and instead focusing the currently-dedicated expertise towards making FOLIO easier to work with.
    feature development will of course still happen, but I would recommend that not be the focus; in my opinion, the tech debt needs paying first.
    Von keven an alle 04:22 PM
    @Ian Walls +1

Functional Criteria GroupKristin Martin 

Presentation of work from the Functional Criteria Group -

                       Document → add comments here! 

  • Criteria
  • Process desciption
  • Draft MoU
  • Chat:

Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle 04:22 PM
Can we explain what is “module” in this document?
Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle 04:24 PM
Folio module types ?
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:25 PM
I wouldn’t consider that 
Von Tom Cramer an alle 04:26 PM
is there a list of current modules somewhere?
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:27 PM
The closest approximation to that is the responsibility list
FOLIO Module/JIRA project-Team-PO-Dev Lead responsibility matrix
Von Tom Cramer an alle 04:28 PM
thank you Marc.
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:30 PM
We need to be careful when we talk about doing the same thing. A module being a substitute for another is not the same thing as having multiple modules that overlap from a functional perspective.
Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle 04:30 PM
Is there a publicity/marketing piece to be an “accepted FOLIO module”?
Von Kat Berry | UMA/5C an alle 04:35 PM
Big thank you to the Functional 
Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle 04:35 PM
“Additionally, Contributor supports FOLIO’s Vision, Strategic Objectives and the governance model for FOLIO, and agrees to abide by community practices and the following principles: “
It says that in the MOU
Von Tom Cramer an alle 04:37 PM
Do you want to briefly touch on license? The margin notes say “Some disagreement at PC meeting about whether we should transfer copyright or license openly and do not transfer copyright - would like further discussion at CC meeting. 
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:40 PM
Tom, that has come up in other discussions in this area. We likely do need agreement on that
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:39 PM
Who is the FOLIO manager?
Von mir an alle 04:40 PM
Dracine Hodges

Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:46 PM
The other one I mentioned was mod-entities-links
Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle 04:47 PM
Are these “apps” or “modules”? CAN WE Add a definition of app just as reference to this doc as well/
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:48 PM
Boaz, We have no official definitions of modules or apps

Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle 04:50 PM
I agree with Kristen - anything 
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:50 PM
Apps don’t exist from the perspective of these processes
Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle 04:51 PM
@boaz - per Kristen’s earlier comment, nobody knows how to define and app separate from the UI button
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:51 PM
Apps aren’t realised in FOLIO in any way today


    • How to check, if a module is already under development? Prevent duplicates?
      • FOLIO is already large - doesn't need to be extended, where it is not needed
      • Technical framework of FOLIO Marketplace would make it easier - but not in place right now
    • julie.bickle  is leading a "Future FOLIO Built Group"  - this paper above is working with the current framework
    • Is there a motivation of groups to get their modules into the flower releases? Is is "just approved" module good enough?
    • What is the process now? 
      • Gathering feedback from the councils → take it back to PC and finalize it for approval 
        • if no approval: reconvene in the smaller group and fix the questioned items
    • Who will sign the MOU?
      • FOLIO Manager SMLLC
      • Do we need the CC to agree to a MOU?
  • Naming of the modules
    • Find better names? From a marketing view → are very technical today

Action Item: provide final feedback from CC until Dec, 7, 2022 → then the PC will take over! 

  • Example: Serials management work (Duke, GBV, K-Int)  → serves as a test case 
  • Marc: 2x Open Access apps and mod-entity-link would go through this process in the first place
  • When does a "process" start?
    • With the introduction to the PC - early or not depends on the developing group
  • Aspect: If you want to have a module in the flower release → go to PC first and sign a MOU
    • Sign a MOU first! 
    • Might need more changes in the process until we have a clear path  (Marc)
    • From PC → submit to TC is regular 


Website update from Rachel Fadlon - EBSCO team is working on the second half of the content. Will tag Mike Gorrell with questions.

New topicVon Tom Cramer an alle 04:53 PM
@Mike @Simeon: if there is time on the next agenda, the Resourcing Group would like to come and present on work done to date

Next meeting: December 12, 2022  and then January, 9th