2022-08-08 Meeting notes

2022-08-08 Meeting notes


Guests: julie.bickle (LMU), Ian Walls (Bywater), Marc Johnson (Tech Council)

Discussion items


LMU: Extend the recent MOU to Dec. 2022 with 10 hrs / FTE per week → Julie Bickle as PO

  • Community Council agrees.
CCTreasurer updatePaula

$126,000 in membership fees received in July

Multi-year Membership dues paymentCC

SHL has asked if they can pay for multiple years (5 years in this case) of their fees/dues. Can we accommodate?

  • From an Accounting standpoint, yes we can
  • Potential Complexity - what if the levels change. IOW the org signs up for a $10k level and that level is removed as an option going forward. So initial they thought they were paying 5 years, but maybe their payment only covers 3 years? Others?
  • Options:
    • accept the payment and allow the org to choose the level it wants those funds applied to each year - limit the pre-payment to 5 years
    • prepay and lock in membership level for that time  - limit the pre-payment to 5 years 
      • add: if the current membership level disappears, the institution can either extend the commitment or continues in the next down level 

CC Decision for Shanghai Library and 3 more chinese institutions for 5 years pre-payment: 

Agreed:  pre-payment for up to 5 years accepted

Agreed: option 2 (bold) is accepted


CC meetings:

  • CC Internal Meeting
    • Potential Topic: How to spend Member dues. Note EBSCO's designation in their 22/23 MoU
      • Until this FY the AWS payment of EBSCO was not in the MOU
      • Infrastructure costs would be covered in FY 2022/23 - what to do with the other money?
      • Discussion about funding a "leadership job" for FOLIO as its difficult to fill this from the community "day to day"
      • EBSCO wants to make sure, their money is spend, where it should be
      • Paula: old document about how to calculate HR costs
      • What sort of costs the community should pay for?
      • Summary: CC agrees to discuss the topic above! 
  • Cross Council Meeting - agenda item ideas:
    • Potenial Topic: What are our roles in FOLIO - vision vs reality
      • Have our expectations and processes met the reality?
      • Ask all members for their "value proposition" of FOLIO as some homework  
      • Goal: document results and follow up!
  • Intra Council Retrospective: 
    • Continuation of above ?
Other updates
  • Resource Group: 1rst meeting next week - off week to CC meeting
    • kickoff document available in the channel "folio-resourcing"

Von Sullenger, Paula an alle 04:07 PM
Thanks to Dracine, we have a quorum
Von Harry an alle 04:09 PM
I just glad that we still have Julie for 10 hours/week.
Von mir an alle 04:10 PM
+1 to Julie
Von Dracine Hodges an alle 04:10 PM
Sorry I was late!

----------------------------Membership discussion ---------------------------
Von Harry an alle 04:13 PM
Isn’t that the benefit of prepaying?
Prepay and lock in your membership fee.
Von Sullenger, Paula an alle 04:14 PM
That makes sense to me
Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle 04:17 PM
I also lean toward carrying the $ forward rather than locking in a level. I think it is still early days and we do't know how we will want to adjust the model over the next 5 years
Von Harry an alle 04:17 PM
So if a library prepaid 5 years in advance and we adjust the levels, one would lose their status even though they prepaid?
Von Ian Walls an alle 04:17 PM
since there is no significant benefit to Membership, and thus no meaningful difference between the levels, why worry about this?
Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle 04:17 PM
Yes, their status may shift
Von Harry an alle 04:18 PM
We should encourage all libraries to prepay.  They should get benefit of that.
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:18 PM
What is the benefit of prepayment?
Von Boaz Nadav Manes (Lehigh) an alle 04:18 PM
That should be a decision in CC?
Von Ian Walls an alle 04:18 PM
also, something I learned recently: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/10/21/239081586/the-racial-history-of-the-grandfather-clause
Von Sullenger, Paula an alle 04:20 PM
Of the 28 invoices sent out so far, 10 are for more than $5,000.
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:20 PM
Ian, thanks for that link
Von Harry an alle 04:22 PM
I don't know how many years SHL is proposing.  I just used 5 years as an example.
Von mir an alle 04:22 PM
ist 5 years
Von Keven Liu an alle 04:24 PM
We can accept in the MOU that the funds paid in advance are non-recoverable 😃
Von Sullenger, Paula an alle 04:24 PM
I think I can handle the accounting/tracking part.
Von Harry an alle 04:24 PM
Prepayment provides a guarantee for future funding over the time period.
Von Keven Liu an alle 04:25 PM
Under any condition
Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle 04:28 PM
How about we put #1 or #2 in the chat, easier to count
Von Harry an alle 04:28 PM
I select option 2
Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle 04:34 PM
easier to track change.

We could accept $x/year membership and note that the level names and benefits may change


----------------------EBSCO MOU-------------------------------------

Von Sullenger, Paula an alle 04:41 PM
Last year $25,000 went to membership fee and the rest ~$84,000 was used for AWS.

Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle 04:47 PM
I was just going to raise this issue of reserve -- I we have planned expenditures we should have a reserve to cover that for some time (perhaps 6-12 months)

Von Sullenger, Paula an alle 04:49 PM
Money is fungible, what we really need is agreement on what are legitimate expenses for the project and what are not.
Von Marc Johnson an alle 04:49 PM
Isn’t this a practical thing. The members cannot afford to pay for all of the infrastructure costs?

Von Sullenger, Paula an alle 04:50 PM
We've received enough in membership dues already to cover expected AWS costs for this year.
Von Simeon Warner (he/him) an alle 04:51 PM
I note that EBSCO is a member ;-)

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