2023-04-10 Meeting notes

2023-04-10 Meeting notes



Guests: Jesse Koennecke (PC rep), Maccabee Levine (TC rep), Ian Walls (ByWater), Kristin Martin (PC rep)

Discussion items

Treasurer's Update
  • Still working on the LC MOU process
  • Still seeing high AWS bills
    • Maccabee: AWS cost committee has reformed to look at shutting down older environments and a process for setting up new ones
  • Will give full update including FY24 projected budget at April 24 meeting
Tri-Council Meeting

Quarterly Tri-council meeting scheduled for this Thursday - April 13th - 9:30 to 11:00am ET

Agenda: 2023-04-13 Tri-Council Meeting 

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/867230970

UpdateCC Teams

Elections - no update

COM Working Group - no update


Other businessJesse Koennecke 
  • We need a FOLIO lead for WOLFcon planning - any volunteers?
    • MDG  has had some conversations but nothing definite yet, do we know how many slots we will get?
    • Jesse - Planning group is working on that, should get this out soon.  Also considering having extra FOLIO time before or after for more focused meetings and to allow FOLIO members more opportunities to participate in other sessions. 
    • "After" the meeting is more likely, good to follow-up and digest what was learned at the meeting
  • From Prioritization & Roadmap Team - Heads up for CC: we are working on a funding proposal for AirTable to facilitate prioritization process. Proposal will go to CC when ready.  We are setting up a call with AirTable to spec out the right size of implementation and want to see if anyone from CC wants to join that call. 
    • AirTable - Prioritization tools reviewed earlier to get input from the expanding community, haven't done this since the Kiwi prioritization.  Voting in JIRA not working any longer. Easier and more logical way to rank features and produce priorities and visualiztion.  Of the ones reviewed, AirTable was the preferred.
    • Cornell looking at AirTable at the university level, Simeon concerned about the potential costs
    • Jesse - will present several options for AirTable features
    • Ian Walls - what about an open source product?
    • Kristin - would consider any we are made aware of
    • Jesse - this review occurred quite some time ago, may be other options now