2023-09-25 Meeting notes

2023-09-25 Meeting notes



Paula Sullenger 

Mike Gorrell 

Edwin Pretz 

Simeon Warner 

Boaz Nadav Manes 

Tom Cramer 

Maike Osters 

Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) 


Maccabee Levine (TC); Ian Walls (ByWater); Hkaplanian (EBSCO); Jesse Koennecke (PC)

Discussion items

Internationalization/translation managementMike Gorrell 

Peter Murray has been managing the Lokalize translation process for FOLIO since its inception. This involves:

  • Adding new people to Lokalise using the web-based interface as requested (1 or 2 a month)
  • Ensuring there are no errors in translations that prevent language files from merging; there is a web-based interface for this (2-3 times a week)
  • Merging language files from Lokalise back into GitHub. This is currently done with a Python script—other alternatives may be possible...it is just how I've done it (2-3 times a week)
  • Configuring new GitHub repositories in Lokalise with the corresponding changes to a GitHub repository settings (1 or 2 a month)

Skills needed:

  • Scripting language...Python is used at the moment. Knowledge of GitHub webhooks is a bonus if the script needs to be rewritten.
  • Knowledge of internationalization formats (I've learned on the job)

He is being pulled in other directions and has asked for the community to identify a replacement. We are seeking volunteers. Peter reports that this takes roughly 2 hours per week. A call will go out to the councils and community (#folio-general).

  • Mike proposes pushing request out to community (PC, TC, other slack channels). 
  • Maccabee can raise with TC
  • No concerns expressed from CC
Community survey

Update on progress with survey from after Hamburg

  • Tom - Survey is still open, want to get all responses in by the end of this week (Sep 29). Every council member expected to contribute 
Ratification of CC size changeSimeon Warner 

From 2023-08-25 Meeting notes, we decided to change to 13 members and quorum of 7 - align with PC and TC. We need to ratify this change will all councils. Propose starting with CC ratification of the following change in https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COMMUNITY/FOLIO+Governance+Model#FOLIOGovernanceModel-Membership:

Current text:

The council will have 15 members but can operate with a minimum of 9. The council will seek to have a diverse membership.

Proposed replacement:

The community council will have 13 members but can operate with a minimum of 7. The council will seek to have a diverse membership.

  • Not a quorum on the call, Simeon to take this to Slack - DONE, agreed on slack 2023-09-28

Developer advocate job description and budget

See 2023-08-14 Meeting notes


  • We want to take account for both the situation of an independent contractor or someone associated with an institution. In the latter case we need to account for institutional overhead which varies (Cornell is 37%, Stanford is 30-32%)
  • Mike Gorrell to refine the budget request and seek approval via Slack.
Treasurer UpdatePaula Sullenger 
  • Credit card had fraudulent charge
  • Following up with the few member institutions that have not yet paid their membership
  • Aside from EBSCO technical infrastructure support, member invoice will complete expected income for the year
FOLIO Applications Mike Gorrell 

Architectural evolution will focus on Applications in FOLIO first. (Platform and authn/z will follow.)
TC launching RFC process for app changes described at WOLFcon.
TC subgroup to document non-technical requirements & implications for discussion in community. 
CC liaisons to effort to work with TC volunteers and PC liaisons on bringing this convo to fruition. 

Other Business

Backlog of topics to discuss
Action items to follow up with
Community communication norms

From 2023-08-25 Meeting notes

  • idea about changing the ask on SIG's!  Information and discussion in the SIGs and a transport of summaries to upper levels
  • asking how communication flows across the project, new people don't know, need some guidance for the project
  • no update