2023-07-10 Meeting notes

2023-07-10 Meeting notes



Paula Sullenger 

Mike Gorrell 

Kirstin Kemner-Heek 


Christopher Spalding 

Edwin Pretz 

Tom Cramer 

Boaz Nadav Manes 

Simeon Warner 

Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) 

Kathleen Berry 

Marko Knepper 

Guests: Hkaplanian (EBSCO), Marc Johnson (TC), Ian Walls (ByWater); Paul Kloppenborg (BSZ); Peter Murray  (IndexData)

Discussion items

Treasurers ReportPaula Sullenger 

Preliminary FY23 EOY report:

  • All expected FY23 income received
  • Final Cornell quarterly payment for developer still to be paid
  • Project $90,000 EOY money
    • $60,000 of this is due to membership prepayments (one-time money)
  • Recommendation: Add to our reserve fund, will give us 6 months of expenses saved, which was our goal

Preliminary FY24 projections:  FY24

 $514,000 income : $405,000 memberships + $109,000 EBSCO

$307,000 projected expenses

=$206,000 uncommitted funds

  • final overview next time
  • 2 new members: NLA, LOC and one increased membership (BVB) - no other echo on Mike G's. email
  • No changes planned in membership structure

Have already received ~$100,000 in membership dues via ACH/Wire deposits, also have several checks waiting to be cashed, so FY24 money is coming in at a good pace

New CC membersMike Gorrell 

New on CC from July: Christopher Spalding (introduction at last meeting),

  • Edwin Pretz - Introduction (2023 Community Council Election)  - 3 slides
  • First single server installations for testing purposes (approx. 25)
  • LRZ will host the Kubernetes cluster (3 pilots: THWS, TUM, UBR)
  • KOBV not part of FOLIO rigth now, but close connection to BVB (share one union catalogue) - KOBV is waiting
CC Chair(s)

Mike and Simeon have been chairs for FY23, need to agree chair(s) for FY24

  • Mike Gorrell  and Simeon Warner are willing to continue but would be open for change as well
  • model of "co-chair" is a good choice: any volunteers?
    • Co-Chairs will continue - maybe a change in the next year.
FY24 Budget Planning – TC and PC suggestions for spending

See 2023-06-26 Meeting notes, followups:

  • How much money can we spend in FY24? (Paula)
  • Updates to the Community Developer Advocate proposal from PC/TC? Candidates?
    • TC/PC need a bit more time and will come back to CC when ready to present the new results
    • What do we do with the addtional proposals?

Update on folio.org

The web development team met last Friday after a long hiatus. The update is:

  • Demo (login protected)
  • The site is nearly done
  • A few pages are being updated (hopefully this week)
  • CC discussion on "Service Provider Members" page
  • Need to get Member Logos
  • Should be released before WOLFcon
  • Discussion: which service providers can be named on the page? And what are they doing?
    • Christopher: Reaching out publicly to Mike to help with distilling what is there today vs. the new page. Service providers should be both hosting and dev.
    • Ian Walls: I would recommend identifying the full list of services that could be provided (implementation, hosting, ongoing support, development, etc), and then different groups can indicate which of those services they provide
    • Christopher Spalding: Would be good to use a controlled vocab on what services are offered. Which you just supplied. We’ll call it the Ian Services Ontology (ISO)
    • Kat Berry offers help with the website! 
Controlling AWS Costs

At CC's request a while, back the Technical Council created a subgroup to define some processes for Controlling AWS Costs.  The subgroup has drafted four deliverables, linked on that page.  I presented them to TC this morning; TC reviewed them and with one edit approved them as well.  We also need CC's edits and approval please since it was your request originally, this is all about budgets, and the deliverables propose a new group with CC's participation to perform that oversight.

  • Peter Murray is presenting
  • Kitfox team effort reduced costs
  • AWS cost control group: feedback loop to CC would be good. Requests should be communicated (smaller / regualr ones). Big requests need agreement anyway.
  • Volunteers: Christopher, Kathleen, Tom, Marko, Mike
  • Action item: read and comment the proposal until next meeting! Approval in the next meeting!
Other Business