2022-05-04 Meeting notes

2022-05-04 Meeting notes




  • UIU-2443 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • UIU-1815 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Question: Are there fields in the User record that should require separate permissions to access?
  • Preferred action of preferred name token

Discussion items

5 minNote takerLaurence Mini
5 minKiwi DocumentationChristine TobiasChristine asked that Users SIG members take a look at the Kiwi documentation for Users and Settings>Users. Christine has incorporated the suggestions made for the Juniper documentations, so only the changes (for new features, like user deletion) that have been made, as noted in the comments, require attention. SIG members should let Christine know by May 11 of any suggestions they have.
10 minUIU-2443
Users behaves differently from the other FOLIO apps. In most apps, if you go to edit screen, then copy the URL to a new tab (without having saved any changes), then hit the X (cancel) button in the new tab, you will go to the previous page (the details view). Instead, in Users>Create Block when you do this you get a blank browser screen. It was decided that UIU-2443 should be duplicated and written up as a bug, with expected vs. observed behavior, after which UIU-2443 will be closed with a link to the bug ticket inserted.
10 minUIU-1815Maura ByrneQuestion was raised as to whether we wish to change previous decision to not use statistical codes in Users app. It was decided that we do not need statistical codes in the Users app, as Department and Custom fields are better. UIU-1815 will be closed as a 'won't do'.
5 minSeparate permissions
Should we have separate permissions for certain fields, such as the address field? Having separate permissions for a subfield of an accordion area tends to be confusing, and does not really solve the problem of security. Unless the information is separately stored, having a separate permission does not help as information can be viewed by using the browser's developer view. Libraries should be able to trust their staff – this is more of a staffing / training issue than a FOLIO issue. Decision was we do not need separate permissions.
10 minBehavior of preferred name token

The templating language FOLIO implements does not allow for conditionals. If a template uses the form {{ preferred name token }} {{lastname token }} and preferred name field is blank, then user will get a notice that says 'Dear      lastname', for example. Ideally, a templating language that allowed conditionals would solve this, but as this won't be happening any time soon, Brooks suggested as a solution that the code that constructs the notice will insert a preferred-name token if the preferred name field isn't blank, otherwise insert the first-name token.

5 minUI-only tickets
SIG members are invited to suggest UI-only tickets in the Slack channel. UXPROD-3644 was one issue mentioned as having developers work on. (Parenthetically, my recollection and notes were that we had decided against the 'conditional requirement' approach? Couldn't find the notes in time and didn't trust my memory).
5 minColor highlighting for protected fields (UIU-531)
Green color for message that record is protected was agreed on by SIG. Since not a warning, don't want to use orange. Green is consistent with color for success toasts. Google Slide Deck

Action items


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