UI issues discussion
UI issues discussion
This is a cleaned-up version of the sheet I put together the week of 4/3/19, for discussion of priority and disposition. Instead of priority and "Make a JIRA?" fields, I've included action items and summations of our discussion.
Issue description | Disposition | Notes |
"Preferred contact" field is mandatory in the UI, but not in the JSON. | Bug. Make a JIRA ticket. | It looks like a data integrity error. It would be nice to have a JSON schema for migration. |
"Preferred contact" field will only accept e-mail addresses, regardless of contact type. The type of value should match the type of contact (i.e., text message should accept a mobile number, e-mail should accept e-mail address, etc. | Bug. Make a JIRA ticket. | |
Last session screen is remembered. even if a new person logs in. | Either bring up on development slack channel, or create a user story | It was agreed that this was not a good outcome, but we don't know if it was ever brought up as a requirement before. |
Auto-complete function in the Users app remembers words/terms from previous sessions. Perhaps we shouldn't have auto-complete in Users app? | Either bring up on development slack channel, or create a user story | As above, it was agreed that this was not a good outcome, but we don't know if it was ever brought up as a requirement before. |
A person who is permitted to edit a user profile is capable of changing an existing username. Username should be immutable for most of the staff. | User Story | This would, we think, require creating a new permission to lock down the editing of the username while allowing users to edit other parts of the user profile. |
Usernames are case-insensitive for logins. | Not a priority for those who were present. | Maura will send out an e-mail to the UM-SIG list to make sure we haven't missed the input of anyone who might see this as high-priority. |