2022-04-06 Meeting notes

2022-04-06 Meeting notes




Lucy Liu asked the following questions via Slack:

  • Can we add more facets to the User search (for example, start and end dates) so that we can get a list of the users that were created during a certain period of time and of specific user groups/user types?
  • Can we make the fields in the user registration form optional or configurable? The email is a required field in the current form. But some users don't have email addresses.
  • Librarians might want to find out how many books of each subject a user group borrowed during a time period, how many people of that group borrowed, and where those books are located? For example, how many faculty borrowed books last year, how many books in each subject (history/math/language/medicine/etc.), and the locations of those books. We can leave this out of the discussion if it falls under the LDP umbrella and if it's too difficult to achieve this in the User app.

Discussion items

5 minNote-takerChristine
  • Christine gets the gold star for taking notes today.
5 min

Can we add more facets to User search to get a list of user records:

  • that were created within a certain period of time?
  • consisting of specific user types or groups?

Patty believes that this is part of the Bulk Edit function already.  These kinds of searches have to be brought back to a user using Bulk Edit before making the edit.

Action item:  Patty will contact Magda (the Bulk Edit PO) to see if that's true.  If it is true, we may not have to do anything to satisfy this requirement.

10 minCan we make the fields in the user form optional or configurable?Patty

This is an old problem.  Essentially, the user record requires an email address, regardless of whether the user has an email address or not.  It is not required when they're loaded via the API, but if you want to make changes in the UI there needs to be an email address.

Brooks T. has suggested conditionally required fields. (Example: Preferred contact is Mail=Address is required; Preferred contact is text message=Mobile Phone is required.) We might be more successful in configuring the UI in this manner rather than "optionally requiring" fields in configuration.

Action items: Patty will create a ticket.  UM-SIG will discuss further.

5 minLibrarians might want to find out how many books of each subject a user group borrowed during a time period, how many people of that group borrowed, and where those books are located?PattyThis is really a reporting issue, and can be done via the LDP. 

Future topic: We will discuss protecting fields from being overwritten.

Action items


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