2022-09-21 Meeting notes

2022-09-21 Meeting notes




  • Discuss this Google document about specs for mod-user-import
  • Discuss the error message that occurs with the issue in UIU-2669 (Server error when user record made with empty address types)

Discussion items

5minNote takerLaurence
30min Google documentPatty

Decision: Patty will consult with Julie Bickle about how contact information should work, how much functionality is needed. They will write up feature request.

Prokopovych does not feel resolving the inconsistencies is worth the time it would take. Maura pointed out that the inconsistencies can cause an issue, such as when a user is imported without an email, then if anyone tries to edit that user they will get an error message from the UI.

The issue of whether an email address should be required at all was raised again. Not everyone has an email address, and if email address field is left blank then this causes problems when a message is sent. Currently FOLIO only sends automatic messages by email, even if another option is used for preferred contact (work is being done to allow FOLIO to send automatic text messages). One idea would be to make some kind of contact (email, phone, street ...) be required, but not have any specific one be required.

It was agreed that a general philosophy of having "light requirements" is a good principle.

See also MODUIMP-68; MODUSERS-212


Decision: For the error message when an address is entered but no address type: "Please select an address type."

Brooks asked whether not having address type be required was a possible solution. However, the decision having been made by the developer to have address type be required, and a lot of work having been done on this basis, it is too late to change course now.

Patty pointed out that the default address types in Users>Address types would more helpfully be just "Work", "Home" and "Delivery". It is misleading to have address types such as "Order" or "Payment" here, as the User address type is only used for where requested items get shipped to, if the user has "Delivery" in the Request preferences  part of their User record.

Currently selecting an address as "Primary" does not do anything. If the functionality of sending automatic notices by post is added to FOLIO, then the Primary address would the one that gets printed on the envelope. Having an option to be able to set at the tenant level what type of address is primary by default would be a nice feature (e.g. Cornell University could make the Work address be the primary address by default).

3minNews Letter
Having a FOLIO newsletter for institutions to share ideas and solutions would be very nice. For example, U of Chicago has written a Python script for automatic renewals.
1minProtected fields issue

Brooks agreed to help Patty test issue where fields are getting over-written on import that shouldn't be: MODUIMP-76 - Getting issue details... STATUS

1minMorning Glory Documentation

Draft of documentation for Morning Glory is at Users MG documentation

Action items


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