2022-02-09 Meeting notes




  • Lotus demo
    • Custom Fields
    • Preferred First name
  • UXPROD-242

Discussion items

5 minNote-takerErin
  • Erin has agreed to take notes today
20 min Lotus demoPatty

Custom fields

  • It is possible to configure a custom field as an ID to circulate with using Settings/Circulation
  • So long as the custom field is a text field, you can search it in the keyword search in the User app. 
  • We can create a custom field with clickable options (example was Men's Book Club and Ladies' Book Club). These will appear as a filter to choose from in the User app. 
  • This feature will be released in Lotus. 

Lotus demoPatty

Preferred first name

  • Preferred name is now showing up in any place where the patron's name pops up (requester, check out, etc). Yay!
  • The full name including preferred name will show in the User search (includes the legal name in parenthesis). 
20 minUXPROD-242Patty

Patty walked through this Issue, because it's been stalled.

  • We need to flesh out user stories, so we can get mockups.
  • Homework: Take a closer look at the ticket, and also at the google doc linked there.
    • Prepare use cases, if this would be useful for your library.
    • Take a look at UIU-530 and review the "potential protected fields" - is this what we want? 
    • What would we need for requirements?

Action items
