2021-11-10 Meeting notes

2021-11-10 Meeting notes




  • Discuss UXPROD-3067 to determine its priority.
  • Should there be a workflow to remove/restore permissions to a user who has left or returned? This is a Slack discussion, and ought to be added to our specs for the Permissions UI.
  • When we change a user's Patron Group, how should the reset button  change the expiration date?   This is also from a Slack discussion.

Discussion items

35 minDisplay of Preferred Name / Pronoun
  • UXPROD-3067 is for the display of preferred name during checkouts and requests, so library staff can address patrons by their preferred name. Would like to have preferred name show up when doing checkouts and requests, if preferred name exists in the user record; if it does not then first name would display. Adding this functionality should not require any backend work, and the benefit of this vs. the work required is high. Patty will see this gets added to the list of UI-only work to do.
  • Brooks will write a ticket to ask for display name functionality, and also to have a token for preferred first name. As preferred first name will be in the user record, adding a token for it to be used in patron notices, etc. should not be difficult.
  • Preferred pronoun is planned to be implemented via custom fields
  • Search of custom fields is planned for Lotus
15 minWorkflow to remove or restore permissions
The group decided that it would be good to have a button in the User>User permissions accordion (similar to the Create fee/fine button in Users>Fees/Fines) to Un-assign all permissions. A confirmation modal will appear ("Are you sure ...."). Maura will write up a story for this. The other use case, of removing permissions for a group of users at the same time (such as graduating students) will be more difficult to implement, and has a lower priority for now. It was decided that Bulk Edit would be the best way to handle such cases, allowing a list of the names of users with permissions to remove to be uploaded.
10 minBug in how expiration date is set when user's patron group is changed
Maryam Vardeh (Chalmers) reported a bug in the UM Slack channel with the way expiration date is affected if a user has their patron group changed. The new expiration date equals the old expiration date plus the expiration date offset (if assigned) of the new patron group. For example, if a user in patron group Staff (expiration date offset = 730 days) has an expiration date of 11/10/2023 and then the user's patron group is edited to Faculty (expiration date offset = 365 days), then the new expiration date becomes 11/10/2024. This is not desired behavior. Patty will write a bug for this.

Action items


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