2024-02-21 Meeting notes

2024-02-21 Meeting notes


Feb 21, 2024


  • @Maura Byrne

  • @Laurence Mini

  • @Erin Weller - notetaker

  • @Uschi Klute

  • @Amelia Sutton

  • @Catherine Tuohy

  • @Kimie Kester


 Discussion topics









10:03 a.m.

Custom Fields In User Records

Amelia Sutton

  • UXPROD-2491 - The idea is be able to add a pronoun field.

    • Want it visible. So the thought is to put it under the User Information accordion.

    • Amelia is hoping for use cases - What is in custom fields currently that would be useful to display in other accordions?

      • Add use cases to this Spreadsheet for input

        • What is in your custom field now and which accordion in the User Record would you want it to appear in?

  • In Snapshot, profile pictures are now available for testing.

  • Amelia is working on a new feature - displaying custom fields at checkout. Second tab in the spreadsheet above. The functionality will include a check box in the custom field to allow you to display the custom field or keep it hidden. Will be useful for pronouns. What other custom fields would we want to display at check out?

 Action items
