2022-05-11 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting notes

Zoom Meeting Info


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: folio-lsp


Discussion items





(1) Kiwi rollout Marcia / Group

Intro to Vijay who is focused on refining developer docs and is eager to discuss where those documents should reside.

Status updates for publishing Kiwi:

  • Julie/Acquisitions is tweaking cosmetic corrections now that the docs are published on https://kiwi.docs.folio.org/docs/.  She hasn't yet evaluated what work is needed for Lotus.
  • Eric/Reporting:  One tweak needed to Kiwi, for Lotus there will need to be a new page for metaDB
  • Dennis/Data import and data export: Had to make a correction for Juniper; Kiwi is ready;
    • Lotus
      • data import functionality is in a holding pattern, so that documentation may not need changes.
      • data export - he hasn't evaluated yet, so not sure how many updates are needed
  • Laura/MM: Hint to Dennis: We can now store MARC holdings data, so there will likely be impacts on data export. 
    • Kiwi - Stray asterisk needs to be fixed.
      • Lotus - ready to start - there are some features that were temporarily not there which will now be available.
      • In a future meeting we should Issue (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee  had raised around more documentation about how search, especially using the query search feature.  Laura wants to make sure that we're consistent in provided information not just about query search but other types of searching too.  We'll hold that topic for the next meeting so that Erin can be here for that discussion.
      • Marcia raised the new MARC Authority feature and who will work on that.  Perhaps that something Emma Gollner could work on with Laura.  Emma had volunteered to review Settings > Calendar.
  • Emma Raub/ERM: Kiwi is complete.  She confirmed that there aren't settings for the Dashboard apps.  She hasn't yet started Lotus, but will get going on that.
  • Christine/Users:
    • Kiwi is complete.  She will attend a meeting next week with the Bulk Edit workgroup to request a volunteer to work on the documentation for that new app that will be live in the Morning Glory release.  Marcia mentioned that Emma Gollner might be available to help support that volunteer.
    • Lotus - there are some permissions changes for the Users app.
    • In some meetings, the moduser import functionality has been mentioned.  Christine wonders if that's something she should be documenting within Users? It's not under the metadata data import document since that pertains to importing inventory records.  Marcia asked, Where do you go to use that? Christine isn't entirely sure, but thinks it's backend.  Marcia - once it's part of the data import or the users app, then it would be appropriate to include. Maybe just adding a comment that there isn't currently a way to import users from within the app.
  • Ian:
    • Managing the updates.  Ready to push orders.
    • Next step is to move Kiwi to the drop down menu, to make it official
    • Minting the Lotus branch - are we dropping versions from the menu?  Marcia thinks the consensus is the keep them all and to add a disclaimer that the documentation for anything before the prior release are not maintained.  We still want access to all prior releases until perhaps the list becomes too unwieldy, but we're not there yet.
    • Had to upgrade Docsy submodule to handle an issue with search due to a version change bug.  Marcia raised the issue of when we might need to do a complete upgrade. Ian - We're using a submodule and then we have a separate layer for exceptions and changes that we've made. We're in a good position on this.
    • Didn't have any content updates for Kiwi
  • Congrats to everyone on picking up steam and getting the releases turned around quickly!

Goal for next meeting: Please have Lotus updates complete 

(2) Google Season of DocsMarciaSad news - we were not accepted for Google Season of Docs this year even though we were accepted the prior two years.  Not sure why not, very disturbing.  The volunteer Emma Gollner and another was lined up. Discussion with Dracine about this - maybe we could find some funding within the community since this isn't an exorbitant cost. We want to extend to include graphics, video snippets etc. and could find ways to use those extra resources.

(3) WOLFcon session Group

A documentation session at WOLFcon has been proposed to let folks know what we're doing.  Erin thought maybe Ian could talk about the technical aspects and maybe she could discuss from a SME perspective?  Ian will be there in person, so he's happy to present.  Ian and Erin can talk about that separately.

(4) Cross-functional contentGroup

Our content is very app-oriented currently, but we might consider having "Additional topics" such as Fees and Fines for topics that are cross-functional in nature.  That approach could then extend to other areas while being a consistent format ("Additional topics). Laura wondered if the Search topic might fit into an "Additional topics" - could link to it from within the appropriate app so that people find it.  Feel free to share any thoughts about this approach with Marcia.

(5) Follow-up on training SIG suggestion?Laura?Julie will attend an Acquisitions video content group meeting to make sure there is communication between that group and this documentation group. She will report back and will communicate that the documentation group doesn't consider the creation of video content as part of this working group's scope.  Laura - Came to app interactions from the acquisitions group.  MM didn't feel the need since their work doesn't jump back and forth across apps.

Other topics

Linking to the wiki.  Marcia would rather see content that is needed brought into folio.docs.org since that should be the single point of reference.  Of course there are exceptions if something is under development.  Sometimes users are used to finding content on the wiki, so how do we best move them over to the docs site.  The wiki has a bunch of content that isn't managed, so the goal is to bring it into the managed space that is folio.docs.org Does anyone have any specific instance that need to refer to the wiki?

Comment from Ian: he wiki is a desk full of post-its, where docs.folio.org is a book. links to wiki within notes/alerts blocks on a per-release basis, rather than in-line with main docs text?  Laura's comment: I like the idea of links as notes/alerts rather than inline, if we decide links are appropriate.

  • Eric explained that the LDP has a lot of external documentation.  Marcia noted that pointing folks to the correct repository makes sense, but if it's more content-related, then it should be folded in.
  • Laura: Some of that might have come up related to query search since it's currently volatile. Trying to balance letting users know that there is additional information on the wiki, but Marcia wonders if the wiki is stable (would it just cause confusion). Laura is still intimidated about created formal documentation since indexes and labels keep changing.  Would prefer to put off documenting this until it's more stable, which will hopefully be soon.  We'll keep an eye on this and touch base about it at our next meeting
  • Vijay has some content ready and Marcia will take a look to see where it might best fit.  It's fairly straightforward.

Next meeting 
  • Lotus
  • Talk about Morning Glory timing since that's the first release that we might be able to release documentation together with the software (8/8/22 is the Morning Glory release date).

Action items

  • All - Please complete Lotus changes by next meeting.
  • Ian Walls will push the final publication on Friday 5/14 and then create the Lotus docs for us to work in.