2022-04-13 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting notes

2022-04-13 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting notes


Zoom Meeting Info


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: folio-lsp


Ingolf Kuss (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee E Pennington Marcia Borensztajn Julie Brannon (old account) Ian Walls Christine Tobias dracine Laura E Daniels Emma Raub 

Discussion items





(1) Juniper rollout Marcia / Group

Is Juniper ready to go? Marcia thinks everyone has signed off, wants to confirm. 

Ingolf has opened some PRs, Eric also opened a PR for a missing image. There is also a new page in reporting that isn't showing up in the Juniper docs (the ldlite page.) It's not showing up because it's missing the metadata top - Ian can fix that.

Reporting will also have a new page in Kiwi for the LDP app - how to make sure it shows up? Ian - you need to include the metadata section to get Hugo to do the menu-making. If you're not sure what to put in there, Ian can do it.

Ian will publish Juniper and announce in the Slack channel

Discussion about whether we release exactly when the release happens - Marcia says we should release with the product, and make changes after the fact. Group agreement is that makes sense - just important to be explicit.

(2) Kiwi progress Marcia / Group

Can we make this happen by the next monthly meeting? (May 11)

Erin - reasonable. I had hoped to add a "cross-app" section starting with fines, may not be able to do that in next month, but that's OK. Changes are in Google Drive, waiting for Kiwi branch in Github.

Laura - copied over Juniper docs in Google drive, OK? Still needs to work on Inventory and QuickMARC, Kiwi had substantive changes, but didn't affect documentation as much as she had expected. Q: some searching options temporarily went away in Kiwi, it will come back in Lotus. How to handle a temporary removal? Erin - important to say it's gone and say it's coming back. Laura - agreed. Marcia - we could look at using Notes functionality. Erin - you can also use the version tracking to just get the text back.

Christine - just a couple of updates needed for users in Kiwi, such as new permissions, and deleting user records. She's got notes about what needs to be updated, but hasn't done the actual updates yet. Can be done by next meeting.

Julie - it can definitely be done by next meeting, she's about 25 percent of the way through, work being tracked in docs jiras.

Ingolf - my area in Kiwi will be different than Juniper, doing an upgrade installation instead of a fresh installation - if someone wants to install Kiwi fresh, they will have to install Juniper and then do the upgrade... have to think about how to do it for subsequent releases. Might need to find another writer. Going to have to work with the Tech Council on how to approach this. Doing a fresh install every release would be really time consuming - Ian - might be a place to work with a hosting provider who is doing this work a lot. Docs also now need to focus on platform-complete. Erin - yep, the sys docs piece is always going to lag the release date, because the SME work can't start to happen until the release happens, because that's when they can get the official downloads. Ingolf - can have this done by the Kiwi release meeting (May 11th).

Emma - Kiwi docs are done in Google drive, ready to get into Github

Marcia - dashboard app is now in main top-level nav structure.

Eric - Kiwi will have the LDP app, it will take long to document it though. Should be feasible to do documentation by next meeting.

Marcia - we want to release  at next meeting, so can we get docs done in two-three weeks? Ian - if people can do it by May 6th, I can do it the early next week and that would allow us to hit the button on Wednesday.

(3) Maintaining old versions 

What documentation versions should we maintain? 

Erin - we should support what the project supports - the current release, and one release back. And flag prior releases with a giant "these are no longer being maintained"

Laura & Ingolf - we should keep up the documentation because it is really, really helpful to be able to see how a system worked in the past, even if it's no longer supported.

(4) Google Season of Docs

We should hear hopefully this week that we are accepted by Google. In the meantime, she has two excellent candidates (if we get approved for two positions.)

One candidate - Emma has started working on Settings > Calendar - though that is the older version, plans for redesign. Erin will need to review it. Emma has a version already out there in the Juniper google docs. She could also do dashboard settings. 

Cynthia - intern from instructional design program - Julie and Laura gave her feedback, helped it move forward, thank you for that - 

Erin - it'll be important to let POs know about the UX video so that if they do plan changes that impact that, we have time to make updates

(5) Round Robin updates Repsthis is basically covered in the other topics...

Other topics

Laura - App Interaction SIG had involved discussion about videos. Question about documentation SIG - important to say that we are a documentation working group, not a SIG.

Erin - lots of concern about spinning up a SIG - video is SO MUCH effort - not at all easy to do - can we get to smaller wins like screenshots and graphics?

Laura - community she is talking to seems to really want videos. Reminded people of community resources page in wiki. 

Julie - 2022-03-25 Acquisitions Meeting notes - discussion at acquisitions meeting

Marcia - can we get to shorter wins? Maybe short videos? Had looked at Google Docs person doing this, perhaps... Can we really get a sense of what needs the videos are meeting? The problem we are solving is not clear.

Ingolf - question about github messages on docs page? can we remove the commit messages from the page footers?

Erin- video question - can we really get people to give a problem statement? Effort coming from acquisitions SIG - can we ask them for that to come back to the documentation WG so that we can try to be coordinated

Dracine - this needs to go the product council for some oversight, especially if it is SIG-wide

Laura - yes, better approach to simply share videos - also important to not reify thin-thread soluations

Action items