2022-12-14 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: Christine Tobias , Amanda Ros , Eliana Lima , Emma Raub , Emma Gollner , Molly Driscoll , Lara Moch (Unlicensed) , Paul Kloppenborg , Ingolf Kuss , (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee , Laura E Daniels , Martina Tumulla 


One agenda item for tomorrow’s PC meeting Dec 15th is a “Documentation Update”. Martina will share information on slack channel after the PC meeting.

Nolana and UpdatesSIG reps

Ingolf: Getting started > Install FOLIO > Single server install / Morning Glory fresh install has been upgraded to Lotus version, wrong version is fixed now in the documentation website / Working on morning glory fresh install documentation – the fresh install is not so different, but the upgrade mechanism is different / Not working on the kubernetes documentation / Vagrant boxes and Customization may not need to be updated / Not working on Nolana installation and documentation right now

Amanda: documentation for bulk edit, expert in Metadata management / since it is cross app functionality looking for others to help with other bulk edits areas in FOLIO like Users / Group helped with writing for Users bulk edit / Molly is backup on bulk edit / Amanda and Molly will meet and discuss CSV - Excel

Molly: worked on export manager documentation, is connected to bulk edit

Emma G.: helped with bulk edit for morning glory, can help with writing bulk edit

Christine: can help with the bulk edit users documentation, completed the Users and sections in Settings and updated for Nolana / in Morning Glory documentation under platform essentials there is a permissions sections – would like to link this to Users

Eliana: update for Nolana / the LDP App can now filter other than just equals (between, less, etc.) / Discussing the scope of documentation – a lot for reporting is outside of FOLIO – working with reporting solutions, LDP, MetaDB – reworking the documentation for docs to not duplicate with other documentation / documentation may be linked and refer to each other

Erin: Nolana documentation is in github, big changes for circulation is the improved calendar and other improvements in the documentation

Laura/Molly: collaborating on searching in inventory, in pause until bugs are resolved, original thought was to include this in platform essential / planning to meet (Laura MM and Molly RA perspectives) / Will present to the group and try to get more perspective / Doing documentation is another way of finding problems

Laura: Inventory, quickMARC, MARCauthority documentation is updated / started to file own Jira tickets and it is helpful

Jira Tickets

Erin is explaining the use of jira tickets for writers - might be documentation pieces which are still missing or reminders for documentation for awaited features in future releases

Laura: Jira tickets help if writers for an area is leaving or need to step away. Jira documentation helps with transition

Molly: Right now you need to be logged into Jira to see the docs tickets

New apps / sections in settings

There are new apps – is there a workflow for getting content for our documentation? No workflow, yet – PC Liaison and documentation editor may get in contact with persons responsible

New areas in settings and cross app functionality / There are section in settings which don’t have documentation, yet.

Orchid due date

Orchid documentation due date might be 1-2 week before the orchid release – will be discussed in January or February meeting – it helps writers to have the due date in calendar 

next meeting

Next meeting Jan 11th – information will be shared via Slack channel