2022-07-13 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: folio-lsp


Item Who Notes
Morning Glory progress, timelineMarcia

Welcome to Sharon and Axel! Replacing Eric for Reporting.

August 22 listed as release date for Morning Glory. Bug Fest begins next week.

Marcia is interested in how Docs WG working in tandem with this date; having a preliminary draft and updates based on things discovered in BugFest. This is challenging because it needs nuanced reading/decoding JIRAs.

Erin suggests reps are navigating from JIRAs to environment to documentation. This will be challenging for Ingolf in particular.  There are unavoidable time constraints.

Ian suggests an alpha/pre-release stage; Erin does not know if there is capacity from EBSCO teams; BugFest is generally the marker because it it the first attempt at a release; Ian wonders if the project could move to a feature-based release cycle.

Marcia will check-in with Ingolf.

Rep updates:

Dennis Christman via email - So far it seems there won’t be major changes to Data Import, and I haven’t checked for Data Export yet. 

Julie - in good shape, gotten through 4 of 5; might pick up a missed JIRA or two; she was aware of 24, a hefty release for ACQ apps. Has to be circumspect to be sure changes are restricted to next release and not one further out.

Question for the group re: Finance app - anything on optimistic locking? Not sure it is actually happening; it's out there, but not tested. Erin suggests might be a question for Dennis Bridges? Currently only implemented in Inventory. Laura says it is not yet documented there. Erin suggests it might be a candidate for Platform Essentials. Discussion needed on whether to documents errors, troubleshooting, especially if the built-in error message is clear or when it is a rare occurrence. Laura agrees to put it somewhere in Inventory documentation. Ian says it makes sense to put in Platform Essentials, there has been some discussion of disabling it for migration purposes. Erin suggests we start by identifying which apps have optimistic locking. 

Laura - no progress yet, but intends to get some done ahead of upcoming vacation; working to grasp authorities functionality; got useful feedback from SME that did not register the same for her; around display and page layout.

Christine - just started working on users and settings users; hoping to get things done in the next couple of weeks, ahead of vacation; meeting with other RA folks to work on bulk edit piece.

Erin - after a couple of low maintenance RA releases, Morning Glory has significant changes; asked for help with documentation from Marie (Chalmers) she captured a lot, but also discovered issues; Bulk edit is main focus, but there are also some INREACH related changes; been more focused on Duke's ReSHARE implementation; working with other orgs to divvy up parts; expects Bug Fest to uncover issues. Thinks August 22 or Sept 1 are still reasonable release dates.

Emma - ERM apps - been under the weather; no progress yet; copied Lotus over to MG to get started; August 5 was the date for MG, but slid two weeks. waiting for more information in the release notes; JIRA are harder to navigate; wants to test then start documenting.

Ingolf - completed upgrade documentation for Lotus; pushed to docs.folio.org; TC asked for his help with first install information; Maccabee Levine has agreed to draft; MG not ready because he really needs to the release notes; Marcia suggests a disclaimer that what's available right now is based on previous release until new information on changes is available. 

Axel - Eric left a well-prepared structure before departing; in good shape; need to update some version links; slight changes to the app; big change will be when LDP successor MetaDP is released in the future.  From Sharon - There are 3 Components of the LDP Software, each with separate release schedules · LDP - https://github.com/library-data-platform/ldp/releases · ldpmarc - https://github.com/library-data-platform/ldpmarc/releases · folio-analytics - https://github.com/folio-org/folio-analytics/releases

Some alignments in how it is deployed for ReSHARE. 

Ian - not much on the technical updates front; waiting on content to spin off MG branch from Main ahead of next release. Considering drafting a contributing file based on feedback received about the GitHub flows. Erin suggests idea of using name = "pre-release". But sounds like we want to stick with existing name as it indicates main or primary working branch.

Check-in on JIRAsGroup

Marcia still thinking through how to put a bit more structure around this process since different people are using in different ways. More research needed.

Julie, challenge with Morning Glory is there aren't PO release notes to understand what has changed; suggests a stub to link to other JIRA's; Erin thinks this is a reasonable ask for POs who are already in the system creating JIRA tickets, etc.; more difficult to ask them to assign to right people.

Emma asks why there aren't more fleshed out release notes for Morning Glory; Erin suggests the better question is when can this happen; earlier is better for Docs WG. There isn't an agreed upon timing that is understood or stated. We will ask for PO consideration on this front.

WOLFcon session prep Ian/Erin

Scheduled for Sept 1, 7:30am EST/ 1:30pm CEST

Laura interested in a working meeting for cross-functional documentation - ex. searching inventory;

Perhaps a brief intro; allow attendees to share needs; do some show and tell.