2022-06-08 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: folio-lsp


Christine Tobias dracine Marcia Borensztajn E Pennington (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee Julie Brannon (old account) Laura E Daniels Ian Walls Dennis Christman 

Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan 

Lotus rollout and assessment of Morning Glory workMarcia


Eric (Reporting) - Lotus docs uploaded; need to verify one of the links; Morning Glory should be a quick turnaround.

Julie (RM) - 5 acquisitions apps for Lotus good to go. Morning Glory not ready yet

Laura (MM) - Inventory and Quick Marc done for Lotus; relationship between these needs some consideration in the documentation; case to be made for duplicating; there is overlapping or auxiliary functionality; suggest nesting authorities under a particular app; reach out with any strategies. Erin suggests using MM Slack to solicit feedback. Molly Driscoll (EBSCO) might have ideas too. Also suggested to make it SIG meeting agenda topic. MARC authority should be listed in parallel not as a sibling to Inventory. Morning Glory not started. Wanted to wade through the heavy lifting changes for MM apps in Lotus. 

Dennis (Data In/Ex) - Lotus docs ready to go; there were updates - biggest being able to import MARC authorities. Need to check the scope notes to verify front and settings. Morning Glory not sure yet.

Christine (Users) - Lotus docs ready to go; haven't looked at Morning Glory yet. Confirmed with Erin to close JIRA's as work completed. Marcia encourages everyone to use JIRA's to help each other.

Erin (RA) - Lotus docs done; in Github; Lotus brings another update for loans; already thinking about Morning Glory -expect a big RA update - title level requesting introduced; working with Marie (Chalmers) to setup loan rules doc for Morning Glory; other big update - Bulk edit; This will need to be top-level app. It will be incredibly complex. Erin wants to have Docs WG rep from Bulk Edit Working group to help write the documentation; two possible. To review development search JIRA Morning Glory tags since there aren't currently any release notes. 

Ian - once platform essentials and settings are cleaned up Lotus will be good to go. Highlighted that there is way to note in which flower release is being pushed, deployed; it will be on hosting providers to provide an accurate links; otherwise it will default to generic. Ian updates the default to go to the latest release at docs.folio; next step would be to be able to detect where you are, but not here yet. 

Vijay (intro for developers) - gathering information for onboarding materials; norms for operating; Marcia suggests touch base Molly, but her context is very different; framing needs to be nailed down - new team, joining an existing team; there is variability in how the teams work; ultimately things need to fit;  Craft broad to specific persona based on role in community; Erin suggests to have it live in the wiki instead; there is an expectation developers have to go there; add things there and poll folks to see if it is still appropriate. Vijay asked what is the role dev.folio.org? Erin suggests speaking with David Crossley about the site; Currently, there are no plans for it to go away; but there is no vision for it either. That site might need a group like this one that is rep by seasoned developers/POs.

Publishing documentation together with the releaseGroup

Are we at an inflection point? Do we want to stage up using GitHub master branch?

There will be more tiny tweaks; Ideal to have a way for users to contribute from the live canonical version  of docs.folio

Handling JIRA and GetHUb simultaneously will need some kind of workflow process; Erin suggests there may be a way to do this with JIRA

Marcia noted that there is a feedback mechanism in the hugo doxy template; we need to consider the appropriate mechanism 

After Lotus is done, Ian offers to review/consider options for feedback

Query search, linking to the wiki, and “Additional topics”Group
WOLFConIan/ErinIan (attending in person) and Erin (virtual) - need to touch base; consider ideas about DocsFest; translation
Follow up on discussion re: videosGroup
Other items?