FOLIO Documentation Working Group

FOLIO Documentation Working Group

Documentation Working Group Meetings

The documentation working group meets on the second Wednesday of the month , 10am-11am EST/16-17 CET

Zoom meeting info- https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/89637604553

Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Community members who are interested in helping with documentation should reach out to a member of the Working Group to find out how you can help. 

Contact / Communication

Slack is our basic tool, our channels are:

Slack channelpurpose
#folio-documentationgeneral questions regarding FOLIO documentation
#documentation-wgprimarily communication between the members, e.g. next meetings, surveys or discussions

FOLIO documentation and its storage

FOLIO documentation consists of the following tools - repositories and sites:

Site/repositorypurpose & good to know


offcial documentation website - primarily for end user documentation for each released FOLIO version

accessible via folio.org

available via help icon in FOLIO user interface


GitHub repository for version control of all documented content on the official documentation website
DOCs in JiraTo dos concerning content for the official documentation website
FOLIO Individual Apps: Information, Tips and TricksInformal community-maintained documentation, e.g. best practise, troubleshooting
Collected resources from the community

In the following some important facts:

Membership and representative's table on the right

overview of responsabilites

contact for community

Resources for Docs WG members / Onboarding support

Basis workflows for our tools, e.g. Google docs, Jira, GitHub

Support onboarding for new members


FOLIO DOCS jira ticketAsk for improvement or addition to documentation by assigning it to responsable member in Jira, if you are not sure who should work on it, please assign so the documentation manager who can find the correct addressee
Meeting agendas and notesFor preparation or look-up
Zoom recordings from the meetingsFor absent members or the note takers (smile)


Future plans


Internationalization of the Hugo-based docs.folio site has been completed in 2020. A proof-of-concept for the German localization (= actual translation) is being stored on a separate branch (Branch/Pull Request, Preview) until such time that content is ready for inclusion and gets approved by the German translation team.

Context-sensitive Help

Future work should include a mechanism for users to click on an area of the user interface and open the relevant section of the documentation for help.

Working Group Membership


Working Group Representative

Convener / Documentation ManagerKatharina Jung


Brandon Katzir



Getting Started

Brandon Katzir

Gettings Started > Installation

Ingolf Kuss

Platform Essentials > Item statusLaurence Mini
Platform Essentials > Keyboard shortcutsLaurence Mini
Platform Essentials > LocationsBrandon Katzir
Platform Essentials > PermissionsBrandon Katzir


Christine Tobias

RA/Circulation > Check out

Laurence Mini

RA/Circulation > Check in

Laurence Mini

RA/Circulation > Circulation Log

Laurence Mini

RA/Circulation > Courses

Laurence Mini

RA/Circulation > Reading room access app

Laurence Mini

RA/Circulation > Requests

Laurence Mini

RA/Circulation > Additional Topics

Laurence Mini

RM/Acquisitions > Claiming (planned)unassigned

RM/Acquisitions > Orders

Molly Driscoll

RM/Acquisitions > Finance

Molly Driscoll

RM/Acquisitions > Invoices

Molly Driscoll

RM/Acquisitions > Organizations

Molly Driscoll

RM/Acquisitions > Receiving

Molly Driscoll


Franziska Wich

RM/Acquisitions > Additional TopicsMolly Driscoll

ERM > Agreements

Emma Raub
ERM > ERM comparisonsNadja Ronnisch & Lisa Reeck
ERM > eHoldingsEmma Raub
ERM > eUsageStefan Dombek
ERM > LicensesEmma Raub
ERM > Local KB adminFelix Hemme

MM/Cataloging > Data export

Alissa Hafele

MM/Cataloging > Data import

Alissa Hafele

MM/Cataloging > Inventory

Emily Semenoff

MM/Cataloging > MARCauthority

Lisa Lorenzo

MM/Cataloging > QuickMARCLisa Lorenzo
ListsChristine Tobias
Bulk editAmanda Ros (items, holdings), Christine Tobias (users)
Export managerMolly Driscoll
DashboardEmma Raub (ERM)
ReportingEliana Lima; Axel Dörrer, Sharon Beltaine, Alexander Chen Lao
Consortium ManagerWilhelmina Randtke, Christine Tobias


Aaron Neslin (Tenants),
Martina Tumulla (Service interaction)

Liaison to Product CouncilMartina Tumulla

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