2022-06-29 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Marc Johnson is next, followed by Steffen Köhler 

10 minElectionsAll

The following were elected to the Technical Council:

  • Jeremy Huff (Texas A&M)
  • Jenn Colt (Cornell University Library)
  • Florian Gleixner (BVB - Bibliotheksverbund Bayern (Bavarian Library Network))
  • Maccabee Levine (Lehigh University)
  • Ankita Sen (Mainz University Library)
  • Dr. Ingolf Kuss (hbz, Cologne)

The new members join July 1. 

Craig McNally welcomed the new members to the Technical Council!

For those leaving the TC, thank you!  Keep in mind that you can always continue to attend and participate.

Jeremy Huff Asked if we should consider re-electing chairs at this juncture?

Craig McNally suggested we would discuss the chair and liaison roles at the next meeting.

 < 5 min

Review outstanding action itemsAllNo outstanding action items
1 minTCR Board Review


No in progress or new review requests

5 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


Chulin Meng advised that the technical decision making group aims to be finished in the next few weeks

Zak Burke shared the request to be made to the community for working group members to help out with multi-lingual FOLIO tenants and translation of reference records

Craig McNally encouraged new members to volunteer to organise this working group, even if they aren't familiar with the specifics of the area

Marc Johnson advised that the scope criteria group is doing a soft reset and reconsidering what it is trying to achieve (the goals and scope). They are at the beginning of this process

Craig McNally asked that the group brings back those goals to the Councils to validate alignment

Owen Stephens asked if there was overlap between this group and the forthcoming App Store discussion

Marc Johnson advised that members of that group will be going to the App Store meeting. Beyond that the groups haven't interacted

5-10 minRFCsAll

Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan advised that there was a recent change to clarify some details of the translation of static values in the back end and that RFC should be ready to complete soon

A retrospective was also conducted by Zak Burke Craig McNally  Marc Johnson  and Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan . This led to some minor changes to the process, which is now ready to be used for the next RFC

5-10 minPC / CC updatesAll

Marc Johnson  advised that the Community Council are trying to identify what they can do to address the community development capacity challenges. And that the Product Council are starting a working group to review browser support (which browsers are supported? what does support mean?)

Craig McNally advised that there needs to be TC or technical representation in that working group

Owen Stephens advised that he is putting together a charter / scope document for this group

Mark Veksler asked about whether we have guidance from the PC / TC about what has to be included in the flower release notes?

Craig McNally advised that this should be part of the definition of done for each team

Marc Johnson suggested that whilst we can put this guidance in place, it is challenging for the TC to enforce this, Oleksii has more power than the TC in enforcing those rules

Owen Stephens suggested that the Councils do have sway in the community and they should put in place the policy guidance

Mark Veksler suggested that we exclude modules that do not include breaking changes in release notes from the flower distributions

Jakub Skoczen  asked what the specific challenge is?

Mark Veksler advised that there had been a module released without the Flower release notes being updated
Jakub Skoczen suggested that there needs to be an explicit contract between the development teams and the release coordinator. And that this is also a failure in detecting the issue prior to production

Marc Johnson advised that we need to make quick progress if we want to address this for Morning Glory

Mark Veksler and Craig McNally agreed that we will include this topic in the next meeting. Oleksii Petrenko will 

5-10 minTool/Dependency VersionsAll

Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan advised that there has been no progress made since request the for feedback on the proposed process. Limited feedback has been provided.

5 minMorning Glory and Kiwi support periodsJulian Ladisch 

Jeremy Huff asked if we have a place to publish policies? Craig McNally advised they could be put on the wiki or on the dev website

Marc Johnson advised that this was discussed in the PC last week. The working group brought their proposal to the PC in January, the PC accepted those recommendations, however they delayed enacting them until at least the start of 2023. That means that practically, the official, interim, policy is the per-flower release policy and process. And that there has been a lack of awareness that the PC has made this decision and that the security group weren't aware of the status of this policy

Tod Olson suggested that there is a potential misalignment between the interim policy / process and the needs of the hosting providers

Marc Johnson advised that the intermediary policy / process accommodates that by deferring decision making responsibility for what gets back ported to the release triage group, which includes representation from most of the major hosting providers

Craig McNally suggested that the security group needs to engage the release triage group for decisions. Marc Johnson agreed that the security group identify security issues and advise the release manager and the release triage group about them.

Action Items
