2022-07-27 Meeting notes

2022-07-27 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

 Zak Burke is filling in for Tod; next week will be Tod Olson 

 < 5 min

Review outstanding action itemsAllNone
1 minTCR Board Review


Nothing changed, but i18n subgroup has finally formed

20 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


  • TC Goals/Objectives: no update
  • Translations from Zak Burke : finally got started this week!
  • FOLIO Scope criteria from Marc Johnson : Hkaplanian is working on it but it's still a few weeks out; trying to figure out how much of the "big stuff" should be captured here vs. farmed out to other groups. It started out as a simple ask but has turned into asking some big questions about governance and how the project works
  • AWS Costs from Mark Veksler : scheduling has been tricky; meeting planned for Friday 2022-07-29
  • Technical Docs / New Dev from Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan No updates. Maccabee Levine : working with Ingolf Kuss on single-server install documentation. 
  • Breaking change from Jeremy Huff : met yesterday. Expected outcome will be an RFC. Convo so has been about versions of modules vs interfaces. Expect to wrap up by mid September. 
  • ES vs OS: Maccabee Levine : waiting on some cross-council activity, right? Marc Johnson  yes, though this hasn't crystallized into a working group yet.
  • Cross-app data sync working group from Raman Auramau : have a 10-15 min presentation from this group, which has largely wrapped up its work. Maccabee Levine : let's put then on next week's agenda.
10 minRFCsAll
  • No updates

Other topics?All
  • Marc Johnson : how/when to make significant technology changes in coordination with the release schedules of other tools, e.g. keeping in sync with Node LTS releases, or Java 17 or Postgres 14, etc. Need to bring this topic back to the TC to move this topic forward. Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan : we have a document out there > 1 month and should either impl it or put a hard end-date on discussion. 
    • Homework: review this week and vote on it next week
  • Marc Johnson : Ian Walls posted some notes into the TC channel which seem worthy of discussion.
    • Jeremy Huff : Lots of points there are outside the purview of the TC (e.g. we can't just decide not to have elections), i.e. beyond our authority to make decisions in this sphere. 
    • Ian Walls : posted parallel messages to PC and CC councils too. Concern has been raised in CC about "what your money is doing" so transition to community groups. Elections have felt like overhead given their lack of tangible benefits. Maybe councils could be accessible to any expert without barrier of membership. 
      • lots of cross-cutting work
      • TC: how to make FOLIO easier to deploy? Would permit spending $ on things other than AWS hosting, allow  institutions to contribute in other meaningful ways. 
    • Marc Johnson is "ease of install/deploy" a useful question we can split off from the many topics here? Jeremy Huff : yes please! Marc Johnson these topics aren't isolated to a single council. platform vs product we could likely handle as a mostly technical decision. Elections we are likely to need to punt back to CC; we can have an opinion but probably can't decide. WRT deployment: we can talk about that, but how libraries design their cross-app workflows bears on this significantly, though we can certainly discuss "how to spin up FOLIO in smaller pieces". Tod Olson is likely to bring "approach the dependency challenge" back to us. 
    • Maccabee Levine : lots of topics here, but they need prioritization in order to have an orderly discussion. Will communicate this back to Craig McNally .

Action Items
