2022-11-09 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

 Ankita Sen  is next followed by Tod Olson 
Jenn Colt covered for Tod Olson  last week.

-TCR Board Review


No news.


No news.

10-15 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


Last week:

  • Breaking changes making progress, RFC under consideration. RFC may be ready next week. ADR possibly some time after.
  • Improve TCR process, kick off meeting tomorrow
  • Charter meeting to come


Technical Council Goals/Objective Tod Olson - Subgroup had not met since sometime but burning issues, and both medium and long term goals and objectives on table. The sense of how TC would like to review or refine these kinds of prioritisation is missing. Craig McNally - Have put an agenda item today to discuss the finer things and next step.

Translations Subgroup Zak Burke - No update this week, expecting updates after the bug fest. Documenting the conclusions are still on the table, check-in after 2 weeks.

Controlling AWS hosting costs Mark Veksler - no updates for this week. Waiting for a demo from Kitfox team about cost explorers. Check in 

Breaking Changes Subgroup Ankita Sen - Finishing up the RFC with all the discussions and agreed on decisions in it. Yet to still discuss about communicating the changes. Planned absence of members from 15-29.11 so next check in first week of December.

Improved TCR process Jeremy Huff - Kickoff meeting was done successfully and few points discussed, initial steps are taken to satisfy goals 1. and 2., already have volunteers and regular scheduled meeting set-up weekly on Thursdays.

Tech Council Charter Revision Craig McNally - No kickoff yet.

ADR process improvements Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan - met with Craig and kicked off.

Craig McNally - A plan is in place and added extra week to finish timeline.  

10 minGoals and Objectives

Last week:

Sounds like this subgroup might be ready to wrap up soon.  Allocating some extra time outside of the subgroup updates for them to present/shared deliverables, etc.

See Technical Council Goals & Objectives - DRAFT


Refining the objective and goals and getting feedback from the rest of the community. How to proceed and what are the next steps?

Agreed: Next step is to leave feedback about the Defined goals and objectives in the document's wiki comment section.

Tod Olson - Made a few changes. How would the TC like to proceed? Would they like to give feedback to the Subgroup's work or want the subgroup to meet again? Inline comments as feedback source should be fine. Having some inputs about priorities in the feedbacks is requested.

Craig McNally - Maybe a little bit of both should be done, feedback from the rest of the group and then refining a little more into which issues are more pressing than others. What the common goals are objective should be agreed on, insights from rest of the community needed. How to proceed?

Jenn Colt - Are these Goals and Objectives for the Technical Council or for FOLIO? Marc Johnson - How are they different from each other?

Jeremy Huff -Defining these will impact overall FOLIO processes. Also, which format shall the feedback on the working group's deliverables shall be provided with?

Marc Johnson - The next step should be TC members giving the working group deliverable valid feedbacks. Feedbacks welcome on the wiki comment section. 

5-10 minTools/Dependencies Versions



  • Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan - Need to review as group, get some feedback and close it. Version 1 was reviewed and certain things finalised but later discussion revealed a different approach was needed. Reviewed in today'S meeting for active feedback and discussion about the topic.
  • Jeremy Huff - Concerns about the list of Officially Supported Technologies - this document was created for the new module technical evaluation , it was intended for another purpose so rolling it out into central processes might cause issue.
  • Marc Johnson - Officially Supported Technologies is not a secondary document of this process, the point of the process is to have a list of things Folio as an application officially supports which is essentially like this exact document.. Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan agrees.

Put on agenda next week.

10-15 minThings FOLIO could do betterAll


What are the next steps? How do we proceed?

Out of time

Last week:

From Tom Cramer in #tech-council:

Since September, the CC, PC and TC have canvassed many community members on “what are things that could be better about FOLIO?” This came out of discussions at WOLFcon in Hamburg about what the priorities were for advancing & investing the project. 20+ council members interviewed 60+ informants from the community, producing a list of 175 items.

These items can be found in a grouped list that sorts the input into 13 different categories. This is a rich gauge of where many community members find the project--I recommend reading through this doc all at once to capture the gestalt. (~15 min)

A synthesis of all the input can be found in this presentation. The last three slides contain some specific and actionable opportunities for the FOLIO councils to consider and adopt as priority items around which to organize community effort.

Previous Notes:

  • Review the presentation together? 
  • Ask all members to review the more detailed list on their own?
  • Reviewed presentation, a lot of feedback on "run on a laptop" point
    • Seen as barrier to contributing
    • Better management of dependencies between modules might help
*Topic backlogAllReview/introduce/triage unprioritized items, and if there's time start discussion items.

Topic Backlog

?Communicating Decisions One open question from the ADR improvements subgroup is how we should communicate decisions out to relevant groups/members of community?  We've discussed adding a stakeholders section to the ADR template, which will help, but we thought we might ask the TC if there are other ideas we should be considering...  Creating (yet another) slack channel for this purpose?  Post something to particular slack channels?  etc.

20 min

WOLFcon Hot TopicsAll

An overview was provided of the "hot topics" at WOLFcon.  It seems clear that the TC ought to be involved in these discussions/efforts;  what is the best way to participate?

  • Platform minimal
  • Applications/bounded contexts & application management
  • Blue/green deployments
  • Kafka/messaging improvements
  • FOLIO governance
  • API technical debt
  • ???


How can/should the TC weigh in on the architectural impact of new modules?

Introduce the topic

  • What do we want to get out of this conversation?
  • Does this require a subgroup or individual to generate a proposal?
10 minConsolidated Decision Log


  • Maccabee Levine (from #slack) - Hi, I was out last week and just caught up on the meeting recording and the brief discussion of my suggested "Consolidated Decision Log" item.  Two follow-ups:
    • The work would complement (not duplicate) @Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan(Vijay)’s work on the ADR review.  Specifically it solves the last action item listed from the retro.
    • I made three specific recommendations in that slack thread a few weeks ago, and my suggestion for the TC would be that a subgroup get together to approve the first two (and perhaps defer the third).

Last Week:

What, if anything should we do with the Decision log in the Technical Designs and Decisions wiki space?  Is it worth consolidating those decisions with the TC's ADRs?  Should we cross-reference?  Clarify the scope of these decisions, and whether or not decisions should still be made/logged here?  

See discussion in #tech-council for additional details.

  • Craig McNally Decision log left when Tech Leads group fell apart with new governance structure.  Are decisions still made or logged in that space?  Where does this lie in the backlog.
  • Maccabee Levine Motivations are to have a single list of decisions, to build developer-buy in and solve the longstanding issues with what decisions TC has authority to make.  Also to know what we have to keep updated vs archive.
  • Craig McNally By consensus, added to the middle/bottom of the list.

Optimistic Locking interfering with batch update in inventory

Conversation started in slack:

The Data Migration subgroup of SysOps has been struggling with how optimistic locking has interfered with batch update in Inventory. They've asked me to bring it to TC to see if there's a way to push this forward. The current open ticket is MODINVSTOR-924 Batch update with optimistic locking disabled. (This was split off from MODINVSTOR-910.)

Topic has been addressed. Core team has agreed to implement as separate API that disables optimistic locking.

See also Bulk Operations redesign, different issue but seems related.

Ease of Installing FOLIO

All / Ian Walls 

From last week:

  • Ease of installing/deploying FOLIO - Ian Walls , Marc Johnson , Jeremy Huff
    •  Primary task the Tc would take on by making FOLIO easier to get up and running. Would also reduce AWS costs so that the money coming from Membership groups can be flowed to other aspects of FOLIO. Tc is the best equipped group to decide on how to make installing and deploying Folio easier and cheaper.
    • Craig McNally - Brainstorming open ended session with Ian Walls and then discuss further before or after WOLFcon depending on the brainstorming session. Ian Walls and Tod Olson to frame the topics of discussion for the brainstorming. 


  • Probably defer, but keep on the agenda so we don't lose track of this...

Revisiting FOLIO Governance

All / Ian Walls 

Slack discussion:  Revisiting FOLIO Governance 

    • Ian Walls - should be best discussed in cross council meeting possibly at WOLFcon. Idea to was bring this up at a high community level not necessarily the Pc or TC. Doesn't need to be on TC agenda next week. Aspects to be discussed at WOLFcon.
    • See also:  messages to PC and CC council channels

Action Items
