2022-09-14 Meeting notes

2022-09-14 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Raman Auramau is next, followed by Florian Gleixner 

10-15 minTCR Board Review


Brace yourselves, here comes a wave of evaluations...

Sept 30 is the deadline for new modules being included into Nolana.

TCR-6 / TCP-15 Tech evaluation of mod-oa -

Owen Stephens What would the usual practice be for a tag to review? - Just git tag, or a particular commit hash

Submitted items are only visible on Jira board and available for review.

Marc Johnson Do we really need this for Nolana? - Craig McNally TC just committed under 2 weeks for review (as it's stated in the process description); it's submitter responsibility to manage the timeline and submission date

Zak Burke The TCR policy is publicly available, so the TC does its best to review but is not responsible if some  requests are submitted last minute

Owen Stephens Items can be prioritized by their importance for the Community - Craig McNally Currently there are 2 items on the board, the review can be done in parallel

Jeremy Huff 

Need volunteers to review: Zak Burke will take care of TCR-15 while Jeremy Huff will own TCP-6 with Jenn Colt shadowing

Florian Gleixner Is it about technical evaluation? - Yes, it is, here are more details New Module Technical Evaluations


Nothing to review

10-15 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


Tech Council Goals / Obj - Tod Olson the group had no meeting

Translation subgr - Zak Burke discussion continues; what features are needed for implementation? collected a bunch of use cases; try to get this documented; next check-in - in 2 weeks; subgroup is not blocked

FOLIO scope criteria - Marc Johnson the group is working to frame the scope, maybe another group(-s) can be required? 2 weeks to month to clarify

AWS Hosting costs - Mark Veksler Spike is picked up bi Kitfox team about taggin; next group check-in - next Mon

Tech Documentation - Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan nothing to share at the moment; How to create a FOLIO module in Spring by Taras Spashchenko; Ian Walls can help driving this direction; next check-in in a week

Breaking Changes - Jeremy Huff the group had meeting yesterday; some questions are already covered though new were recently raised so the group is in progress, a series of meeting is extended till the middle/end of October; next check-in in a week

5 minSecurity Team personnel change

Skott Klebe, a security professional at EBSCO has expressed an interest in joining the FOLIO Security Team. 

The Security Team had him join their regular meeting as a guest a couple weeks ago to introduce himself, make sure he's aware of the expected commitment, and the role of the Security Team, etc.  Everything went well, and the team would like to bring him on board.  

Bringing this to the TC for awareness & formal approval...

Notes: the TC is okay with this change, there were no objections voiced

5 minCross-Council Communication

The council chairs have started a discussion and are considering two new meetings:

  1. Quarterly cross-council meeting
  2. Monthly council chairs meeting

Craig McNally just provided some notes on current status

20 minTC Charter ReviewAll

Members were asked to review the TC charter in preparation for today's discussion.  

  • Go through the charter together?
  • Are there specific areas of the charter we should focus on?
  • Is anything that's missing, or should be removed?

Notes: TC charter has been updated recently, how would the TC like to review it?

Jeremy Huff Was it written by TC or by someone else? - Craig McNally It was written by TC?

Craig McNally Let's create a draft version, discuss it, communicate to other councils before publishing

Tod Olson A comment to Guiding Principles .... (smth that should be explicitly stated as a GP) - Tod will add a comment to the doc

Some conversation followed.. some comments were added to the doc itself

Review and comments from TC members are welcome

Time Permitting

20 min

WOLFcon Hot TopicsAll

An overview was provided of the "hot topics" at WOLFcon.  It seems clear that the TC ought to be involved in these discussions/efforts;  what is the best way to participate?

  • Platform minimal
  • Applications/bounded contexts & application management
  • Blue/green deployments
  • Kafka/messaging improvements
  • FOLIO governance
  • API technical debt
  • ???


5-10 minTools/Dependencies Versions



???Technology Changes & Releases


  • How/when to make significant technology changes in coordination with the release schedules of other tools, e.g. keeping in sync with Node LTS releases, or Java 17 or Postgres 14, etc. 
    • May be overlapping with the Tools/dependency versions (see above)
    • Marc Johnson - It would be useful to relate the changes to match the release schedules
    • See also:  messages in TC channel


10 minRetrospective on the ADR Process
  • Discuss if we want to try and do this during a TC meeting or schedule a dedicated meeting.
  • What's working well for us?  What needs to be clarified?  
  • Scope / level of detail,
  • Clarify what information belongs in which section
  • Is it mandatory for accompanying materials (details designs/proposals/etc.) to be on the wiki, or can they live in google docs, etc.?
  • We agreed to do this sort of exercise after each RFC, but think it's worth doing this for ADRs - maybe not after each one, but periodically.
  • Retro board: https://easyretro.io/publicboard/bk8DxfBbCeZIYL1pnsBPUN2xgYb2/a07d2c6b-754b-4446-8743-7f32f2911928
Topic Backlog

How can/should the TC weigh in on the architectural impact of new modules?

Introduce the topic

  • What do we want to get out of this conversation?
  • Does this require a subgroup or individual to generate a proposal?

Optimistic Locking interfering with batch update in inventory

Conversation started in slack:

The Data Migration subgroup of SysOps has been struggling with how optimistic locking has interfered with batch update in Inventory. They've asked me to bring it to TC to see if there's a way to push this forward. The current open ticket is MODINVSTOR-924 Batch update with optimistic locking disabled. (This was split off from MODINVSTOR-910.)

Ease of Installing FOLIO

All / Ian Walls 

From last week:

  • Ease of installing/deploying FOLIO - Ian Walls , Marc Johnson , Jeremy Huff
    •  Primary task the Tc would take on by making FOLIO easier to get up and running. Would also reduce AWS costs so that the money coming from Membership groups can be flowed to other aspects of FOLIO. Tc is the best equipped group to decide on how to make installing and deploying Folio easier and cheaper.
    • Craig McNally - Brainstorming open ended session with Ian Walls and then discuss further before or after WOLFcon depending on the brainstorming session. Ian Walls and Tod Olson to frame the topics of discussion for the brainstorming. 


  • Probably defer, but keep on the agenda so we don't lose track of this...

Revisiting FOLIO Governance

All / Ian Walls 

Slack discussion:  Revisiting FOLIO Governance 

    • Ian Walls - should be best discussed in cross council meeting possibly at WOLFcon. Idea to was bring this up at a high community level not necessarily the Pc or TC. Doesn't need to be on TC agenda next week. Aspects to be discussed at WOLFcon.
    • See also:  messages to PC and CC council channels

Action Items
