2022-03-16 Meeting notes

2022-03-16 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Jakub Skoczen is next, followed by Raman Auramau 

5 min

Review outstanding action itemsAll

Zak Burke conclusion is that the plugin should specify its backend dependencies.
Zak Burke will document this in the Stripes documentation. 

10-15 minTCR Board Review


Zak Burke discussion restarted regarding the Translations app, meeting pending.

10-15 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


  • Module evaluation:Jeremy Huff has created a PR, to be reviewed by Craig McNally
  • Technical Evaluation: Chulin Meng a better person to give update is Raman Auramau (absent today). Input from the TC needed on what should be the first candidate to exercise the RFC process. 
  • Additional RFC candidates: Zak Burke proposed the I18n proposal (static values and dynamic data)
5-10 minNew Developer Onboarding

Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan confirm if what the group pro is a valid approach

Tod Olson will go ahead and pull items from the backlog to prepare a timeline

* Technical Documentation WG: A working group is going to be created to work on aligning the documentation effort

Previous Notes:

From Tod:

In the PC meeting yesterday, we heard that there is a need for more/better onboarding information for developers. There was a question/suggestion that maybe TC would be able to help with that, maybe identify some people who could help pull together some onboarding. Is that something we would want to take up?

Documentation and training for new developers, such as the FOLIO developers in China and Alabama. PC/CC may need to allocate resource to do this. Tod Olson will bring our discussion back to PC/CC. Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan will assess the current situation of technical documentation.


  • Check in on status
  • Form a working group?
5-10 minUI Plugin Dependency Declarations

Previous Notes:

There seems to be some inconsistency across UI plugins/modules wrt declaration of okapi interface dependencies.  Is it the responsibility of the plugin to declare these, or the "hosting" UI module?  

Discuss possible next steps: 

  • Ask the Stripes Architecture group to make a decision – I think they've made decisions like this in the past.
  • Ask the Stripes Architecture group to advise the TC on this, who will then make a decision – only necessary if the Stripes Arch. group doesn't think they have the authority to make the call
  • Get an overview from a representative of the Stripes Architecture group (e.g. Zak Burke) and have the TC make a decision

Zak Burke plans to raise the topic at the Stripes Architecture group meeting tomorrow. 


  • What was the outcome of the conversation with Stripes Arch.?

Action items

  •  Zak Burke document the requirement for backend dependencies in the plugin in the Stripes docs
  • Zak Burke will create an RFC for the i18n proposal
  • Craig McNally to touch base with Peter regarding the AWS cost subgroup