2022-05-18 Meeting notes

2022-05-18 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Philip Robinson is next in line, followed by Raman Auramau 

5 min

Review outstanding action itemsAll

5-10 minTCR Board Review


10-15 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


Craig McNally submitted PR for Acceptance Criteria edits, received good feedback from Marc Johnson . The rest of the TC should review the PR request.

Controlling AWS hosting costs - Mark Veksler reports progress. The subgroup plans to document account ownership, lifecycle, and tagging practices to better track the expenses. Suggestion to add it to the TC agenda as a 2-minute line item to flag any cost overruns, trends in increases, and plan to remediate the cost increases.

New developer onboarding - Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan  reports that the document is under review.

RFC process adjustments here:  RFC Process - Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan requests feedback on it. 

10 minLocalization RFC
  • Are we ready to move this to final review phase?

There has been progress on the localization RFC. That RFC is in draft review, and if the TC agrees, it will be soon ready for public review, via a new PR.

Discussion of how to announce the public review and elicit input - via the TC Slack channel? Or to non-TC folks? Or just use the GitHub merges / PRs?

The RFC subgroup will discuss logistics on this Tuesday.

1-2 minElectionsAll

From Mike Gorrell :

Simeon Warner and Harry Kaplanian are running this year’s elections for all councils. Please let them know if anyone from PC or TC wants to help out. Also, they ask that you let them know whether you want to change description/qualifications from last year as well as confirm how many seats will be open (should be 5 for each council but not sure whether anyone has/is stepping down).Reminder that 6 seats on the TC/PC were supposed to be 2 year terms, and 5 seats were supposed to be 1 year terms - those 5 seats are the ones open for election this year. The announcement/request for candidates should go out May 9th. Our timetable is:

  1. Call for Nominees May 9, 2022
  2. Nominees due/finalized May 20, 2022
  3. Voting opens May 30, 2022
  4. Voting ends June 17, 2022
  5. Results announce June 20, 2022
  6. New Councils formed/start July 1, 2022

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!


  • Reminder for those planning to run...  Nominations are due by May 20 using this nomination form.
  • As of yesterday, only 2 nominations for 6 open seats!
5-10 minCommunity UpdateAll

Tentative date:  May 27

TC needs to start preparing their update:  Accomplishments in Q1 2022, Goals/plan for Q2 2022

Craig McNally will present at next community update

Craig McNally has started a thread in the #tc-internal channel, if you have feedback please post it there


  • Any thoughts on Achievements/Goals?  Literally no movement in the thread mentioned above.
  • Any ideas for topics?
5-10 minUpdates from PC and CC?
  •  No updates from either Council.
5-10 minADRs

Decision Records

  • Proposing ADRs with naming conventions
  • preserve decision history including decisions that have been revised/made obsolete
  • Proposal to do this in Confluence (alternate would be Github)
    • where are they most findable. Github is closer to where developers work, wiki is easier to search.
  • When an ADR is related to an RFC, would link to RFC. RFC is the process, ADR is the result.
  • Feedback desired!


  • Some feedback has been given and will be addressed, but more input is requested.

Action Items