2022-03-23 Meeting notes

2022-03-23 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

5 min

Review outstanding action itemsAll
  • Zak Burke document the requirement for backend dependencies in the plugin in the Stripes docs
    • documentation is not updated
  • Zak Burke will create an RFC for the i18n proposal
    • not started yet
  • Craig McNally to touch base with Peter regarding the AWS cost subgroup
10-15 minTCR Board Review


TCR-9 Update

Zak Burke - restarted a discussion regarding how we r gonna manage translations; but there's no clear outcome yet

Marc Johnson Does evaluation of TCR-9 correlate with i18n proposal mentioned above?

Three different processes are considered in scope of Translations.

Zak Burke One process is about new module evaluation, another one is about architecture / technical evaluation - this is RFC process, and the third one is about Translation functionality itself

Marc Johnson the plan is to have at least 2 RFC - one for back-end part of implementation, one front-end presentation

Translation Subgroup is formed to discuss all the details of this area

Jeremy Huff The scope of all this seems to be jumbled a bit Marc Johnson agreed

10-15 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


  • Update Next Checkin Dates

Cross-council subgroup Jeremy Huff - the group had a meeting regarding module evaluation and the process, and defining acceptance criteria for new code to be added

Technical evaluation subgroup Chulin Meng - discussed some options and agreed with Zak Burke 's proposal regarding Translation approach; it can take up to 2 weeks to provide some outcome and then some time for reviewing by TC so preliminary target date is Apr 20

Tech Council goals / objectives Steffen Köhler - need to meet within smaller group for discussion of particular aspects; the next check-in date is next week

Translations subgroup - main part discussed earlier

Folio Scope Criteria subgroup Tod Olson - after certain discussion the group managed to draft a list of criteria, the work in progress. This will have impact on both product and technical parts

Controlling AWS hosting costs Peter Murray - in progress, need some more time; volunteers wanted

Technical Documentation Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan - no updates

5-10 min

New Module Tech Evaluation  Checkin

Jeremy Huff - briefly provided some recent changes to new_module_tech_eval.md, including roles definition

5-10 minFOLIO Scope Criteria Checkin
5-10 minWOLF Con Meeting Ideas

Mike Gorrell posted a wiki page for collecting WOLFCon meeting ideas. The TC has been asked to contribute to this list of ideas. The current WOLFCon planning document is here.

The draft time box outline on sessions is here.

There are 2 topics mentioned - FOLIO architectural blueprint and Addressing FOLIO technical debt

Philip Robinson volunteers from TC wanted to assist with some topics, providing more information, organizing etc.

Tod Olson won't be able to attend PC meeting for the next 2 sessions to share TC updates there; Zak Burke will be able to join for the first half of the next meeting at least

Community Council would like to have more representatives from other councils; Jeremy Huff will try to attend but no commitment; same from Marc Johnson

Action items