2022-03-02 Meeting notes

2022-03-02 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Tod Olson is next, followed by Philip Robinson 

*** Reminder to jot down attendee list.  Last week's notes were missing this

5 min

Review outstanding action itemsAll
10-15 minTCR Board Review


TCR-12 falls short on some technicalities, will kick back to the team.
TCR-14 plugin done well, side question of whether plugins need to state dependencies since the modules also declare them. Approved
TCR-9 still forming subgroup
10-15 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


Technical Module Eval revisions: Jeremy Huff has task to see if there are places to clarify, there seem to be only a few

Technical Decisions:

  • reached out to devs for feedback on RFC. Group thinks RFC process is well designed as-is, recommend TC adopt with proviso that the TC do more promotion and solicit feedback from community. Subgroup is willing to spearhead this effort.
  • Some decisions might be well-suited to the RFC, some might not. What about decisions that do not seem to rise to the RFC process? Use of Kafka seems right for RFC, but not all decisions that come to TC seem right for RFC.
  • How to frame this in a way that helps the dev teams think more broadly, help them see their decisions as not only internal to those modules. Frame as "is this about how modules communicate?" How do get people to think about "this is a project problem," not just "this is internal to my module."
  • Do we pilot this with one of the current efforts?
  • Not completely clear on what direction we're heading.
  • Next step: subgroup can review RFC process with TC as presented now and bring a formal proposal to TC. Would like to present a formal process to the community at WOLFcon.
  • Would like a grid of categories of decisions that TC makes, the tools that TC has for making decisions, and what tools should be applied to which decisions, so when a decision comes to TC we know what process we will go through.
  • Suggestion that before we reach out to broader community we do a limited trial within TC.

Controlling AWS Hosting Costs:

  • in progress on ways to keep costs in control by dismantling some environments, and spinning some down while not in use. Winding down folio-test  and need backup for folio-snapshot
  • Concern that the conversation about this has gone in circles a bit and we don't have a good way to make these decisions.
  • Spin-down of folio-test caught some people by surprise, only had two days notice. Such short notice creates problems, need a sprint or two prior notice.
  • Need to make some transition to reduce costs
  • Separately, want devs to use the way the Rancher environments but the way those environments are managed is changing but is not documented. 
5-10 minNew Developer Onboarding

Previous Notes:

From Tod:

In the PC meeting yesterday, we heard that there is a need for more/better onboarding information for developers. There was a question/suggestion that maybe TC would be able to help with that, maybe identify some people who could help pull together some onboarding. Is that something we would want to take up?

Documentation and training for new developers, such as the FOLIO developers in China and Alabama. PC/CC may need to allocate resource to do this. Tod Olson will bring our discussion back to PC/CC. Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan will assess the current situation of technical documentation.


Any update on this?

Existing documentation:

5 minSecurity Team Member Change

TAMU is undergoing some shuffling of IT resources.  As a result Brandon Tharp is going to be stepping down from the FOLIO Security Team, and has suggested his colleague Chris Rutledge takes his place.  The  Security team is OK with this, but wanted to inform the TC of this change.  Are there any concerns?

Chris is:

  • A member of the SysOps SIG
  • Works closely with Jason Root
  • Is involved in the FOLIO project
  • Is aware of the expected time commitment
    • Until recently Brandon reported to him, so he's familiar with the security team duties/responsibilities

Brandon's last day on the Security Team will be  

Action items