2022-02-16 Meeting notes

2022-02-16 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Steffen Köhler  is next, followed by Chulin Meng 

5 min

Review outstanding action itemsAll
10-15 minTCR Board Review


  • TCR-12 is still ongoing, no update yet. Maybe next week
  • TCR-09 no news
  • TCR-14 is a new submit, assigned to Zak Burke 
10-15 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


  • New Module Tech Evaluation:
    • Created a PR concerning language to be consistent,
    • WIP
  • Tech Eval Process Subgroup:
    • Question Chulin Meng : How to organize the team work?
      • Where is no guideline yet. Organize on your own.
    • Update next wednesday seems to be possible

10-15 min 

Council Goals/ObjectivesAll

Previous Notes:

Tod Olson advised that a new document has been created for this

Craig McNally stated that the goal of this is for the TC to form it's own objectives

Tod Olson asked if folks could provide feedback on this document

Today's discussion:

Zak Burke Jeremy Huff : Ongoing work is a capacity issue

Jeremy Huff : Would a working group approach a good idea?

Radhakrishnan Gopalakrishnan to spend some time on this document to extract relevant paragraphs

Craig McNally : found a new working group? Tod Olson It's okay, work and have discussions parallel to regular meetings

  • see "Technical Council Sub Groups" page, there the goals and deliverables are defined with Tod Olson as subgroup owner
  • targeted end date is the end of March 2022
10-15 minConsolidated process/voting/etc. decisions

As a group, review the list of decisions we made previously on these topics

  • Is there any cleanup required?
  • Do any of them conflict?
  • Do we need to clarify anything?  Provide more detail? 

Technical Council - Governance Decisions

one question has arisen: "What is the half-plus-one rule?"

Zak Burke  and Jeremy Huff  stated, the Quroum is half plus one.

Tod Olson clearifies: A quorum is how many member of the TC must vote. Jakub Skoczen : Proxies have the right to voted and therefore are counted like TC members.

  • 6 or more needed for a vote.
  • There is already a draft about code of conduct for meetings
  • Jeremy Huff should we rename the above page to a more specific name? Tod Olson : Governance? Process?

Time permitting

Hosted AWS environments

No update, to be discussed in the future.

2022-01-26 discussion

  • Jeremy Huff open question is to whether this is really under TC's purview? TC Charter explicitly says "resourcing" is not our thing, so this feels like a bit of a gray area. Mike Gorrell but ... if not TC then who? By process of elimination, feels like TC is best suited to offer advice here. Jakub Skoczen we have also been asked to review requests for new envs. Feels like this could/should be handled by a dedicated group from devops/sysops. Maybe Peter Murray and OLF sysops group is in a place to offer good info here? Folks on TC don't look at the bills, so not the best-placed group to make decisions. Jeremy Huff we can describe usefulness of different envs, but leave decision to a group that actually deals with bills/funding. But we probably need a somewhat systematic way to keep these evals fresh so is not laborious every time we are asked for input. Tod Olson soliciting input from outside TC is likely crucial here. Jakub Skoczen to ask Peter Murray to help organize such a group.

Get an update on this if Jakub Skoczen  is present.

Action items